
Based in Dallas, Texas

Founding date:
February 2012


Press / Business Contact:
[email protected]


MineZ 2
When In Rogue



At Shotbow we strive to push the boundaries of Minecraft multiplayer gaming to limits never seen before. We develop full fledged games inside the engine that keep players engaged for years with continual updates and experiences they can’t acquire anywhere else. We are not limited to Minecraft though and continue to strive and broaden our craft to new and exciting technologies. Our goal is to create engaging, smart, and rich entertaining games and applications that can be enjoyed by all ages.


A Brief History

Shotbow was formed in February 2012. After an already lengthy and initial success of Hardcore Factions, the first gamemode created by HCGaming LLC, owner/operator Matt Sundberg and Lead Developer Austin Smith contacted close friends and staff of Hardcore Factions to take on creating a unique spin on the popular mod DayZ, which was later aptly named MineZ. After the game's great success and rapid explosion into the Minecraft world the team came together to be the first server to link together a series of games with a centralized hub that didn’t require a disconnect or loading screens. Shotbow was born as the first major server network, forever changing the landscape of the Minecraft multiplayer network.



There are currently no trailers available for Shotbow. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!


There are currently no images available for Shotbow. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!


Awards & Recognition

  • "Modding with the Pro’s Panel" - Minecon 2012
  • "Making The MineZ Mod Panel" - Minecon 2012
  • "Developing Mods Panel" - Minecon 2013
  • "Building Panel" - Minecon 2013
  • "Growing a Server Community Panel" - Minecon 2013

Selected Articles

  • "I’d forgotten that Minecraft can be terrifying. It wasn’t until I was leading a conga line of zombies through a dark forest, hunger stinging me, dehydration stabbing away, that I remembered the fear it can instil. "
    - Craig Pearson, Rock, Paper, Shotgun
  • "MineZ still feels like DayZ, it works like DayZ and it plays like DayZ, but most importantly... it’s better than DayZ. "
    - Paul Dean, Eurogamer
  • "MineZ’s wilderness and thimble-sized tummies are perhaps too brutal"
    - Steve Hogarty, PCGames

Team & Repeating Collaborators

Matt Sundberg
Lead Designer

Austin Smith
Lead Developer

Joseph Grossman
Lead Level Designer, Web Designer, Customer Support

Edward Watson
Lead Level Designer, Director of Lore

Navarr Barnier
Lead Web Developer

Travis Armstrong
System Administrator

Matteo Pezzotta
Community Manager

Adam Thomas

Robbie Clifford

Kalen Brock
Artist, Web Designer

Johnathan Baily
Level Designer

Arthur Cole-Fontayn
Level Designer

Scott Buggy
Level Designer

Dan Borenstein
Multimedia, Designer

Laura Hart
Community Support

Kelly Lakefield
Community Support

Patrick Wyatt
Quality Assurance

Curtis Fogg
Level Design / QA

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks