Discussion What do you want to see in When in Rogue?

Discussion in 'When in Rogue' started by Goldblade, Nov 14, 2015.

Discussion - What do you want to see in When in Rogue? | Page 2
  1. AnotherGuy100 Platinum

    I'd say pretty much everything here, along with quite a few things i've seen in the forums, i'll try and list everything i can remember with links

    1) Chest mimics- I think this was being added, or at least discussed. Pretty self explanitory

    2) customizable mini dungeons, to challenge friends or just random people (This is my favorite suggestion :stuck_out_tongue:)
    • essentially, you would have the ability to design a mini dungeon, at most the size of a chest inventory. you would place different blocks in the chest to represent the different rooms and hallways. for each room, you could (possibly) change the mobs that spawn and other small details.
      In actual games, you would have a small chance (1/100?) to find items in chests that let you add more to your dungeon, like alternate block schemes, upgraded mobs, traps, etc.
    3) ability leveling- for the classes, having choices in your abilities, and what they do (dont think this was a thread, but not sure)
    • take for example the ability shadow walk. you could have options to upgrade certain aspects of it, at the cost of others. some examples:
      +speed -duration, +duration - speed, -cost to use +5% chance of being noticed by mobs etc.
    essentially having something like this for every (or most) ability(s), for every class implemented

    3.5) stat leveling- similar to above, increasing overall damage, defence, speed, health, all for the cost of another stat.

    4) the classes! i hope there is a good variety, and something to make it that not everyone can be the same class, taking away from diversity
    https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/class-suggestions.209992/ (Thanks to demon and Gallihad for compiling the list a loongg time ago :stuck_out_tongue:)

    4.5) differnet abilities- Making classes have base abilities, as well as 1 or 2 abilities you could swap out with the defaults.

    5) event floors- Certain floors that would have a special properties, can vary by dungeon and mobs.
    • The Hoard is coming: Floor spawns with only zombies
    • Magic is in the air: Floor spawns with increased # of witches
    • The sound of water surrounds you: areas of the floor may be filled with water

    Thats all I can think of that i didnt see in above posts. I like alot of what was stated above here. take what you can/ like. I Have high hopes for WIR, was really hyped for initial release, and continue to be so for the rerelease.

    PS. Sorry for length, i tried to make it easy to read. If you find a thread or something else, i will gladly add it to my post.

    Best of luck in continued development!!!

  2. Pyachi2002 Slaughter Lead

    I want to see me, playing the game. :wink:
  3. Goldblade Retired Staff

    Amen to that.

    Again, thank you all for the feedback and suggestions. We can't make any promises at this point, but it's good to see new and interesting ideas. We'll do our best for this game .
  4. xNerb Platinum

    Adding onto the different class abilities idea, I was thinking it could be like you select two of your favorite, and you can like, unlock more with gold. I think that'd be cool :D
  5. ICP_ViolentJ Platinum

    It's probably been stated already in the thread somewhere, but i would really like to see a grindy system in which you can level up certain aspects to give you a slight edge over others, similar to the MineZ 2 prof system
    MineReepers likes this.
  6. Jarool Mini Admin

    Not sure how many would agree, but with 1.9 appearing, and WiR being worked on after Gold Rush, I think it might be fit to have WiR 1.9, rather than 1.8. It'd save the effort of upgrading to 1.8 just to upgrade again to 1.9. And you could add even more cool classes, like one that can glide over obstacles, or levitate over it, or... well, whatever else was added to 1.9, I can't really remember. Most 1.9 problems can be reverted, so it might be a good idea.

    Or, if 1.9 is still set to be released in, say, 1.8 amount of time, then yeah.
  7. WildWargasm Platinum

    The original When in Rogue was fantastic. It needed more dungeons, more variation in what you do in those dungeons, and more re-playability.

    When When in Rogue was released way back to Platinum+ users only, my friends and I made it our goal to be the first ones to complete Jungle on Hard mode. It was honestly some of the most fun I had on ShotBow because of its high degree of difficulty, making completion barely possible. Having content that challenges a coordinated and skilled team, ie, Hard modes, would be fantastic. Obviously this goes without saying, but map generation bugs and server crashes should be fixed long before the release of any kind of ranking system.

    Eventually, however, we learned that you could easily beat all hard and ironman modes as a solo player sprinting through the levels with invisiblity and smoke bombs. Make sure that's not possible.
    • Hard Content
    • Ranking System to show completions of dungeons
    • More dungeons
    • Rare super items from chests, such as Fire Wands
    • Consistent scaling so that the first stage is actually easier than the second, etc.
  8. Vegan_Atheist Platinum

    Rooms that are not simply squares/rectangles with a group of enemies inside.

    More vertical movement, more rooms and walls within rooms, more chokepoints.

    Also, I would like more unexpected enemy drop-ins. Traps that unleash enemies unexpectedly. This really only works when rooms aren't so big, square, and open.
  9. bryanloh Platinum

    well, the idea of WIR is to complete dungeons and survive in the way you can, your idea will be cool for wir, but everyone will then be relying on loot to complete the dungeon rather than using their own skills, the blessed and cursed effects that you states might make the game more complicated than it actually is, and reminds me of darkest dungeon, the game will then be a luck game, where " Oh i got this good buff (strength) Dungeon run = easy and people getting like weakness will have so much trouble trying to complete the dungeon :wink:. I do agree that potions would probably have grades shaded in different colours :D
    Jareix_Craivix likes this.
  10. Rebel_Vanguard Platinum

    I'd love to have access to purchasable (or unlockable if that sounds more preferable.) abilities that you slowly upgrade as you get more money. Let me give an example.

    Shadow Walk- Stage 1: Makes you invisible, helmet is still visible, lasts for five seconds, smoke particles follow you around, hitting enemies reveals you no matter what.

    Shadow Walk- Stage 2: Makes you invisible, helmet disappears, lasts for seven seconds, smoke follows you around, hitting enemies will reveal you.

    Shadow Walk- Stage 3: Makes you invisible, no armor is visible, lasts for nine seconds, void particles follow you, hitting enemies will not reveal you.

    Something akin to that. Glad to know WiR will be getting revamped shortly.
  11. Jareix_Craivix Regular Member

    That is understandable... Hmm... Well, I see your point with the blessed and cursed effects. This is WIR after all. the objective is to get to the end quickly and effectively. not die until you learn how to be careful and move at a snails pace... Though randomly generated loot may be interesting... except instead of randomly generating good and bad effects, it generates only negative effects. and they'll only be marginal. say, choosing between -%5 attack speed v.s. -%5 movement speed or something... I don't really know...

    I'll be honest, my only experience with roguelikes has mostly been through the traditional roguelike games. The ones that make dark souls feel like god of war... (brogue, rogue, hack, nethack, wazhack, delver, dungeons of dredmor, etc.)
  12. Smartzz Emerald

    A playable game... Also a game that will be open to public and no premium beta. Cause you kids that host that ain't getting SHIT FOR CHRISTMAS NEXT YEAR. God that premium beta thing is annoying. I have premium and I infact DONATED for platinum. The thing is though that my friends who don't have it have to wait 4-5 weeks waiting for the game to come out after premium beta... PLUS there is no one THERE that is prem. They play it for 5 mins and then go play minez or anni. Thats kind of how every game works though...
  13. Deadspeck Mini Builder

    ok what..
    prem bets exists as a perk for buying premium and a way where a small amount of people can test out the game and give feedback on it without having it to be repeated over and over again.
    what was the point of saying this?
    refer to quote #2. also you never gave any context on how it's annoying
    this is true. i saw your donation message earlier at noonish, but you don't have your blue tag.
    4-5 weeks is pretty long.. MTA was said to be released on this week
    nobody that's premium on a premium beta???? o_O
    where are you getting your statistics from this kind of data......
  14. 100PercentHippo Retired Staff

    Today I was reminded of something I'd love to see: those whitty phrases that appeared while the stage loaded. Those were a total riot, and I'd be more than happy to compile a list of some of those I remember if you don't have the list anymore.
  15. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Do more....
    ...No Balls!

    Come on, List them. Any good ones will be picked up in the re-write, surely!
  16. Goldblade Retired Staff

    ^ Really though, if you have ideas for witty loading phrases, we're all ears.

    Hi Darn

    Mistri and Chaospillager like this.
  17. Jarool Mini Admin

    • Doing as the rogues do (get it? Like the phrase, but replaced with rogue!)
    • Dying to chain skeletons
    • -Insert witty loading phrase-
    • Opening the garage
    • This sentence is way too long for someone to read before it disappears and is replaced by a shorter sentence
    • 16x16
    I'll put more if I think of any :wink:
  18. Smartzz Emerald

  19. 100PercentHippo Retired Staff


    Ok, here's the list of ones I was able to find:

    Fastening Seat Belt...
    Creating Healthy Appitite...
    Dating your sister...
    Baking a cake of lies...
    Reinventing the wheel...
    Removing arrow from the knee...
    Growing neckbeards...
    Crowning skeletons...
    Deploying air bags...
    Pew pew, pew pew...
    Firing underlings...
    Changing bits...
    Revving engines...
    Applying sepia filter...
    Spinning up floppy disk...
    Testing lazers...
    Soiling pants...
    Dating your mother...
    Drilling holes...
    Setting traps...
    Applying lube...
    Taking the red pill...
    Such generation, much wow...
    Getting lost...
    Playing with fire...
    Drinking tears...
    Binding the Isaac...
    Waking elephants...
    Eliminating easy mode...
    Marinating steak...
    Charging emojicons...
    Raising the dead...
    Plucking the chickens...
    Populating dungeons...
    Writing confusing status messages...
    Drinking your tears...
    Mocking death...
    Prepping an excellent adventure (doodala doodala)...
    Changing dirty diapers...
    Killing Dumbledore...
    Running from police...
    Exchanging whole milk for skim milk...
    Creating spooky hallways...
    Replacing sword with pen...
    Kicking the can...
    Decreasing credit limit...
    Asking Syri for dating advise...
    Filling loading bar...
    Removing unnecessary dubstep from youtube videos...
    But first, let me take a selfie...
    Adding a dash of salt...
    Initiating metacognitive enhancements...
    Twiddling thumbs...
    Rejecting space...
    Adding wing sauce...
    Upping the Mega-Hurts...
    Feeding the wolves...
    Buying dogecoin...
    Finding Nemo...
    Painting the walls...
    Ending relationships...
    Sharpening swords...
    Toasting your buns...
    Deleting virus...
    Scooping poop...
    Walking the dog...
    Farting in your general direction...
    Trying to forget the 90s...
    Configuring hats...
    Seasoning the fajita...
    Slaying puppies...
    Burning evidence...
    Bibbling water...
    Straightening the paintings...
    Brewing trouble...
    Igniting fires...
    Translating gibberish...

    And who could forget the wonderful tip "THERE ARE AND WILL BE BUGS". I loved that.
  20. demon_peanut Retired Staff


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