Discussion What do you want to see in When in Rogue?

Discussion in 'When in Rogue' started by Goldblade, Nov 14, 2015.

Discussion - What do you want to see in When in Rogue?
  1. Goldblade Retired Staff

    Hey everyone!

    We're still working on Gold Rush, but as that comes to a close, we'll start really getting into When in Rogue development.

    I want to get some feedback on what you, the players, want from this game. What kind of things do you want to see in When in Rogue? What do you want to see more of? less of? What makes the game fun to you (or prevents it)?

    I've had a lot of people express interest in the game and share ideas ideas with me, so I figure it would be nice to have a unified thread for this kind of discussion.
    JTGangsterLP6 likes this.

  2. Rrrepatiti Platinum

    Hidden rooms!
    A cool concept: Maybe there should be halls where if u fall down u have to fight a bunch mobs in order to escape!

    More coming soon!
  3. Jarool Mini Admin

    More dungeons!
    Sharing gold!
    Levelling up your items!

    Oh, you're already doing all that? How about...
    Bonus gold for defeating bosses!
    XP (although I'm guessing you're already planning this)!
    More difficulties (these could be practice modes, 1-hit wonders, etc.)!
    Mini-gamemodes (arena!!!)!

    Could skeletons in Jungle be nerfed as well?
  4. 100PercentHippo Retired Staff

    Honestly, I played it back when it was first testing, and I loved it. The level generation was great (although you can never go wrong with adding more pieces to the mix). The chest and gold system was well designed, and it was really fun to play. I remember that the first boss fight was one of the coolest and most intense moments I've ever had in a game. Leveling up gear was satisfying and the mobs were fun to kill (although my friends and I started called the skeletons that spawned on the second jungle level 'instakills'). I also really liked the miniboss and inhibitor (I think that's what it was) system that made each level not feel linear. The traps were good, although I think there were a few of them that made it impossible to be revived, such as the lava pit, which was a bit of a steep penalty.

    In short, it was a great game. If we could have back what WiR was before the mutant bugs attacked, I'd be ecstatic.

    The only thing I can think of that would improve on the game would be to save gold income more frequently. Several times we would make back-to-back runs without entering the lobby between, and if your client crashed or the server rebooted, all the gold you earned was lost.

    (Oh, and add shotbow xp, although I think this game would be better without having kits or any purchasable other than by gold. Just xp to be earned)
    macman18 and ranger958 like this.
  5. demon_peanut Retired Staff

    Cool classes!
    Cool abilities!
    Cool skill trees!
    Cool everything! :3
    DutchBartje likes this.
  6. ajfish Platinum

    It would be nice if you could find custom loot and stuff in chests, and keep it to use it on future playthroughs.
    But mostly that you can use ingame gold to get more inv space.
  7. RosieBlock Platinum

    When in Rouge was close to perfect as originally designed. The first level boss fight was quite delightful. I don't see any need for scaling the design upward, except for tiny tweaks.

    I believe it only needs bug free code at this point.

    100PercentHippo likes this.
  8. RosieBlock Platinum

    Dear Goldblade,

    I'm easily amused, perhaps.. but the one event you did with dispensers and mob bosses everywhere was the most fun I've had on Shotbow, ever,

    If you make that a permanent event, I would play it often. Better yet if you used a build from Minez2, for the setting. It was just so much fun.

  9. BlindPotter Platinum

    I really enjoyed WIR when it came out. Outside of the stuff already mentioned, which I 100% agree with, I also loved how you could show off your accomplishments in the lobby with the symbols next to your name.

    The inhibitor system, while a good idea, was sort of annoying sometimes. Sometimes a level will have no inhibitors, and another time it might have had 6(?) inhibitors, which just added to the amount of monsters needed to finish a level. A lot of teams got discouraged when they saw a huge number pop up for inhibitors and they would leave. I would say that by reducing the amount of inhibitors that can spawn or maybe making inhibitor spawning more constant (like almost always have at least 1 inhibitor spawn on the second level), would fix that. I felt that sometimes what separated a winning team from being a losing team was more luck based than I would have liked it to be.
    MangoEatingCow and ranger958 like this.
  10. Deadspeck Mini Builder

    more twon
    Mistri likes this.
  11. Mychon Obsidian

    Red Dyed leather boots!
  12. bryanloh Platinum

    From my view, there could probably be a leaderboard system for the gamemode
    Most Mob kills, Most Hours Played and probably Most dungeon time ( I know this takes alot of time, but it will motivate players to play more often)
    Even most gold sounds good! :lmao:

    As for the dungeon, we can have a rare mob that appears in 1/10 of the dungeons we play in, a mob that gives you a custom piece of armor that you can choose to equip when at the blacksmith and followed up by ultra rare and legendary with 1/100 and 1/1000 respectively, or a system where it tracks the number of time you have entered a certain dungeon, and at around 50 you get to fight that special mob at the end to get a unique gear, best to have it renamed as (name) Weapon or whatsoever, i feel that the second one might be better because it would be fair for everyone which in the case, the more you play = the more you get.

    A loot room at the end of the level ( when you defeat the boss would be cool) and you can get random amount of gold and probably something rare.

    Introducing a couple items before you start can be cool, like a ender eye, to show where the portal is when it flies towards that direction, or a night vision potion ( to help the players a little at the start but they can only bring limited items in, like either a eye or a mini speed buff for 2 minutes at the start of the first level.)

    As for classes, i would like if there's one that increases health by 1-2 hearts, it might seem like alot, but the skeletons at jungle are pretty op tbh, will help some players who just advanced towards jungle alot by giving them a little advantage. The rest of the classes are already planned i heard, so i won't go on for much longer.

    For some rooms, there should be like a effect that prevents you from scouting ahead. The additions of more mini-boss mobs like the corrupter and the skeleton king should be implemented in the jungle and the upcoming maps ( Desert and Ice), like a baby spider and a witch version of a mini-boss mobs.

    Mobs like skeletons should have a lower chance to be protected by witches, if you have done the really big like 60x60 rooms, the amount of skellies that are protected is pretty crazy and running in there is pretty much suicidal, especially in top gear when you die in 3 hits. Blocking should also be fixed hopefully and the passive effects can also add according to classes: ( Guardian = resistance and healer = weakness 1) but i am sure you guys would balance it out as some randies will just scream how this class is too op and so on.

    Players should also be able to switch between all classes and we can start the class system like anni with shadow-walker ( the one we played with ) and then advance into further classes as you unlock them through mini-achievements that you can check in the lobby.

    :confused: sounds like alot right? :lmao:

    I look forward to a sneak-peek for WIR soon :D
    ranger958 likes this.
  13. 323465963 Retired Staff

    I'd like to see it lean towards a more "binding of isaac" style gameplay. Secret rooms unlockable with bombs, cool perks (and maybe even some permanent ones) unlocked as you progress. Just want to see less of a linear-style gameplay, in which you simply have to clear room after room as you progress forwards.
  14. Jarool Mini Admin

    I'm hoping a system can be set up to save dungeon states. There's been many times during Jungle that people have crashed. There was a command that was something like /rejoin but it was never completely implemented. It'd be really nice if it was. It could work where you have 5 minutes to /rejoin before you are unable to. If everyone leaves, then the dungeon will restart at the start of the level (players that leave will look like they have died and will rejoin at the spot they left).
    ranger958 likes this.
  15. Deadspeck Mini Builder

    323465963 likes this.
  16. Haichao Platinum

    It would be nice to have more check points. Some people don't want or can't play 3 or more hours at a time just to complete a dungeon.
  17. Goldblade Retired Staff

    Hey everyone!

    Thanks for the replies so far! There are a lot of good points that have been brought up and I'm taking note of everything. I can't discuss what's planned for the game right now, but I want you to know that we really appreciate the ideas and feedback.
  18. Jarool Mini Admin

    Can we have a system so that anyone with me in their party automatically beat the dungeon after 5 seconds pass?

  19. BrofessorScales Emerald

    Permanent loot - Like Special Weapon and armors.
    Weapon / Armour Crafting - You can get Crafting pieces from fallen foes, Salvaged armors and as random chance
    Classes - A 3 Class system with up-gradable Perks
    Open Beta / Tests - Premium alpha is over, also I like getting a sneak peak :3
    Co Op Bonus levels - Available to teams, there would be bonus levels that require teamwork
    More Levels - Recommended 10-25Lore - You can read books about the tales that happened in the deep dungeons
    Speedrun mode - This mode will be solo only, Reduced enemies and a timer. Levels are simplified.
    Solo Mode - Players get Resistance one and joining is closed
    Parkour master Mode - More jumps for more chests. Higher Rooms and Better rewards for harder parkours.
    Dynasty Mode - STR 2 for you and 4x the enemies
    Enless Mode - Wave upon wave of enemies. You get 5 gold per enemy and it lasts only for 1 game. You can buy equipment after each round.
    Race Mode - Mirrored Levels would enable two teams to race to the finish.
    Slaughter Mode - Not only would this make a lot of sense, it could be in the same sub-lobby "When in rogue / Slaughter"
    New game + - You can keep your items but all your progress is reset and all enemies are harder
    Ranks and Prestige - XP based Ranking system can earn you crafting recipes. Prestige Resets all stats for a cosmetic name/number.

    But What about the Premiums? Or Our Precious XP?Considering that you are working with and not against premiums, Special perks wouldn't be an awful Idea.

    Premium Classes - These classes would be different but not better than the normal classes. They would have different abilities that would help in the dungeons but they wouldn't make you overpowered.

    XP bought Loot Crates for 2500XP - You can buy loot crates to better your odds of getting good loot. Each loot crate gives you loot that makes sense for your level and has a chance to give good loot. You would have a 1:25 chance in obtaining these crates after each round. These would never give stuff for premium kits that you don't have. (i.e. you won't get an emerald kit weapon if you are silver).
    ranger958 likes this.
  20. Jareix_Craivix Regular Member

    I have an idea to spice things up a bit... have you considered randomly generating loot names and buffs in a way similar to nethack? As in, potion (or possible scrolls if that's to be implemented) effect is unidentified until it is used or identified through some means. From then on, potions of that color will give the same effects throughout that round, until you all die and start a new run. Identification can also be used to identify the quality of items, and possibly whether or not an item is "blessed" (provides positive bonuses) or "cursed" (cannot be unequiped from that slot and has negative debuffs or stats)

    Call me a nerd and a newbie to the forums, but I'm a lover of nethack and a lover of shotbow and minecraft and I believe that merging the two in at least the sense of gambling and risk would be an awesome idea. But hey, that's just my thoughts... just putting out Ideas here...
    ranger958 likes this.

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