No Prefix Top 13 things that should be changed.

Discussion in 'MineZ' started by shrauger, Oct 13, 2014.

No Prefix - Top 13 things that should be changed.

Pick which one that should be changed. ONLY ONE!

Poll closed Jul 9, 2017.
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13 7 vote(s) 21.9%
  1. shrauger Regular Member

    But what do we need for minez to be better? Let me think... Here you go this took about a hour. A top 13 list!

    1. More mobs! I once had a cow farm in minez but this took a hour to make and half a hour a reboot came. The player is obviously omnivore and in some cases cannabil. Why did they make it so hard for the player to hunt more mobs?

    2. The pigmen, I have never died in the north without a pigmen being involved, these pigmen are one of the most if not the most feared mob and most powerful mob if you are not careful. Do something please so our bow will actually be helpful here in a battle of impossibilities.

    3. Permanent Healer and Bandit names. I ain't going to try to explain the stress here. People spend a hour normally to get with this name and well I find that dumb. You guys probably can make it permanent for about two days right? They can change how they are normally but probably will not.

    4. Less spread out map. Well I know minez two is becoming that right now but please don't change your mind.

    5. Clan tags and less friendly fire. We all had a team before who played for a year. In that team you might have accidently killed someone and yes it must have been difficult to tell from a distance who is who in a big fight. This is where a item achieved by either XP or chest (mil_epic) with a 6%.

    6. Grenades do more. Why can't they make a really small hole in the ground? That is realistically what they would do. Not a big hole preventing easier escapes and you can make it where it wouldn't work in dungeons right? 18% sure you can do this one, sorry if I'm wrong.

    7.Backpacks. I had 11 stacks of bread once. With two golden apples two splash two three stacks of apples and three grenades, some more crap. My point is why not? Backpacks could be extremely rare or not that good.

    8. Better spawns or less spawns. I normally want to spawn in the swamp or carmi even sometimes grimdale but all those are like a 1/4 chance for just one. Respawns take about half a minute to drown and you normally keep trying from there till your there.

    9. Some form of pet. Well let me be honest. I want the wolf still. But not just that multiple things. Maybe my own pet chicken to give me eggs that will have a special feature. A cow for a antidote (idk what you guys are doing with the antidote) or a pig as some type of zombie detector. You guys can do this but don't have to like everything else.

    10. Giants. I have seen more and more iron bandits in grimdale for a while now... Some having a diamond sword some having a enchanted bow and some having a enchanted helmet. I understand giants are one of the hardest things to kill but buff it up maybe?

    11. Spawn kit. Alright I know the XP store exists and the achievements exist but I feel really unlikly to survive if the nearest town is 500 blocks away with a bunch of zombies in between. Fight the communities bandit war with maybe potions of healing? Or maybe a really weak bow?

    12. A map smaller then 7000 on the x. Be honest guys! I honest stand it the z being maxed out to 14,000 blocks but a x that long? I tried getting to lazerville from anveillia, didn't work out to well.


    If you support say "I support you Shrauger for #" and I'll put you on a list of 25 supporters.
    Kazumii_ likes this.

  2. MOAB4leader Platinum

    Hey I know for a fact some of these are going to be changed, THEIR WILL BE TONS MORE MOBS!!!
  3. ArgoArcher Regular Member

    #5 : The permanent clan tag would be fine ; only complaint would be the friendly fire. Why would you need to make murderous clans even more overpowered by having them impervious to one another?
    #10 : Giants are already plenty buffed... #7 : You have plenty of inventory space, I don't see a necessity for more inventory space unless MineZ goes back to Vanilla style hunger and we all know that was a hellish one week period.
  4. Hangar_Straight Silver

    #5 BEST: I would love the [FWC] or [FROGZ] tag!
    Reillyrox13 likes this.
  5. Dr_Bosch Modeler

    #5 is the best. :)
  6. Nokah Platinum

    None of theese points are real problems. Just burdons for the lazy person.
  7. shrauger Regular Member

    Of course they aren't real problems I'm looking to help minez with suggestions.
    Kazumii_ likes this.
  8. basti1499 Emerald

    I think #3 is meant that the Healer or Bandit tag stays in for the whole life... It happens many times that you disconnect and your cool Bandit tag is gone... Thats not cool.
  9. Nokah Platinum

    It is intended for it to last the whole life. If you are premium ur stats are saved. (dunno what happened after EULA). Thats includes heals, kills, and zombie kills. It's just a bit glitchy and can't be relied on 100%.
  10. LightswornKing Regular Member

    1. There will be more mobs
    2. you need to be carfull with pigman turn ur volume up and listen before u charge into a house
    3. I have the bandit tag right now after getting attack by like 10 people on us 1, im a healer and this would make it realy hard to be a healer.
    4. The map is fine it should be spread out so you have to prioratise with food, and if gives it more or a real open world experiance
    5. I think its fine iv never had the issue
    6. I dont know if this would be a good idea but thats just me
    7. A good player knows how to balance there inventroy to suite there needs you have 36 slots if u keep if orderly u will be fine.
    8. This prvents players who you kill from coming back constanly realy fast.
    9. Why do u need a pet? its a post apocoliptic world you arnt going to have a pet most likely
    10. How many giants have u fought? Iv killed many but, They use a good amount of pots. I averge about 5 instant 2's per fight and not sure where it hapened but now some giants can be angry giants that do tons of damage and stomp repidadly. I got insta killed by one in full iron.
    11. Thats the hard part about starting out. Iv never had issues with this.
    12. The map is made to be big man iv made it cross map then back again be4 in a life its not that bad.
    13. Sure maybe a very low chance but there are so many zombies that whatever reasorce they drop would be usless because its so abundent.
  11. Meifot Gold

    I've gone from Anvalia to Lazerville then to Agni Ignis its not that hard
  12. Cole5slaw Platinum

    #1: Why.. They're usually found in remote areas for a reason- the zombies would have realistically ate them all.
    #2: Pigmen were buffed because of farming issues, obviously. If you have the skills, it becomes easy to kill a pigman (without a bow, and TOTALLY depends on the terrain around you.)
    #3: I get the "bandit" tag from saving people's lives.
    Now they permanently want to kill me.
    #4: People are complaining the map is becoming too cramped. Get more food.
    #5: Some of the other reasons you were talking about it being realistic- is NOT having friendly fire realistic?
    #6: I think I'll just break every dungeon (until a reboot, of course) and make it impossible to get on top of the cliffs in the canyon area with this.
    #7: Because inventory management is part of MineZ. And, your inventory is pretty much your backpack. .
    #8: Why.. A "better" spawn being what? Spawning near a town, I'd assume. That gets rid of the aspect of MineZ. Less spawns will mean more space between them.
    #9: A pet would have to be extremely rare and a wolf, which is no longer in MineZ (rumor has it.)
    #10: They buffed giants. Heard of the death-stomp? It's insta-kill. If you played back around early-mid 2012ish, you wouldn't believe the number of clans taking over towns.
    #11: "You spawn with little resources" -Description of MineZ in the wiki.
    #12: Why would you want a smaller map.
    #13: Laglaglalgalaglaglalgalglaglaglaglag and a lot of dungeons would not work out that way. If you kill a player's zombie NPC, they drop what they had (if it's not soulbound.)
  13. Braiti Platinum

    MineZ 2 has some of these ideas already implemented if you bothered to watch the stream. The original MineZ I believe won't be receiving anymore game changing updates anymore ;-;
  14. Triceratops Silver

    11 stacks of bread is kinda unnecessary. You could've probably traded most of that for a good weapon.
  15. Mistri Network Lead

    Tru dat
    True, but it would be SO much work for the devs. They'd have to manually add each clan.
  16. boogaert Emerald

    pls give clan tags...
    OneZedArmy likes this.
  17. shrauger Regular Member

    I ain't gonna respond on each of your ideas that make my ideas bad. Please simply state 1-3 instead. Yes I've to agree with most of your arguments but I'm sure that most of these ideas of mine could be changed a slightly these are POSSIBILITIES.
    Kazumii_ likes this.
  18. Not8Ball Platinum

    #1 Fix NoCheat

    That should be your list.
  19. Nokah Platinum

    Ofcourse you don't have to. :wink: You can ignore people all you want.
    No, if you want to propose something, you have to be prepared for critisism. I personally don't like the ideas you proposed , and i am ofcourse going to say that. (exept the clan tags, but theres another post on reddit and the forums regarding this)
    vampire_toothy and MineReepers like this.
  20. Tsarouhas Regular Member

    I think the game REALLY needs backpacks

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