wassup guys I have another story of @LegendaryAlex you should go check him out! This one is slaughter themed and written in poetry so enjoy! It was a tough choice for LegendaryAlex since he was forced to click on a sign There were many signs he didn't know what to pick So he picked Mines. In the next second he was inside this snowy world with beautiful trees, caves, mines he died. He immediately did /quit and decided to play a different map Overgrown since it just started. Once he joined he met a few people, ACringyTortilla, Friendly123, Goliac Hey there! Friendly123 would say since he was friendly ACringyTortilla would cringe and mutter Ugh here we go, another gold hogger Goliac just facepalmed. Friendly123 offered to give me a full set of diamond gear How do you have diamond gear so early? I asked Friendly123 ignored that question politely... Wave One started. Chickens went up my spine and tickled a bit too much until chickens went up my spine and tickled a bit too much eZ Goliac would say rattling his chain gear and puffing out his chest Wave 4 My nightmare The cows would gather together and stampede everybody I was inside a Garden and decided to climb up some leaves That's when, ACringyTortilla died. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIVE ME BACK MY GEAR PLOX AND MY GOLD THANKS I went over to the incident and there was a lot of gold! 153267 to be exact. I picked up the gold and stabbed my sword into the remaining cow That's when it said, ACringyTortilla quit The rest of the game was normal Friendly123 would help me when I was in trouble Goliac would say eZ after every round Until it came to the Twelfth round Hissssss, was all I could hear inside the dark, cold, leaky mansion A hiss. Then another hiss. A bunch more hisses came attacking me until, BOOM LegendaryAlex quit Thank you guys for taking your time to read my poem of LegendaryAlex! Here are links to other stories of LegendaryAlex. https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-life-of-legendaryalex.377596/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-life-of-legendaryalex-part-2.382087/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/legendaryalexs-city-life.382429/ Make sure to follow LegendaryAlex!