Stoner You are the dank. You spawn with wooden tools and weed. Right click the weed to smoke a fat blunt or hit a bong or make cookies, you get the idea. If you right click the weed, you start a smoking session with your m9s. This will cause PvP to be disabled within 420 blocks of you. Also, everyone within that range will hear Reggae music. Also, Snoop Dogg will appear nearby. The ability lasts 420 seconds. The Russian You are the drunk. You spawn with wooden tools and a lava bucket called "Vodka". Drink Vodka to get Strength I and Nausea I for 25 seconds as well as Poison I and Hunger II for 10 seconds after the Strength buff ends. You also have the ability called "Slavic Squatting", which means that you regain 1 unit of food every 5 seconds as long as you're sneaking and not moving. The American You are the Obese. You spawn with wooden tools. You also spawn with 20 hearts. You have permanent Slowness I and cannot sprint, but you have Infinite Saturation. Oh, and you spawn with a gun. Because Murica, bitches! The Mexican You are the Border-Crossing. You spawn with wooden tools and an Iron Shovel with Efficiency I and Unbreaking X. You can climb over fences, walls(the block) and also over walls that aren't higher than 3 blocks. Also, you can steal the job, uh, i mean the class of another player for 30 seconds. The Canadian You are sorry. Everytime you kill someone, you have to apologize in chat. The French You are the snail You spawn with wooden tools. If you type something into the chat, it will automatically be translated into a garbled, nonsensical mess of letters, numbers and symbols. This means that noone will understand what you say, and if they don't know that you're French, they might assume that you are shouting out profanities and will report you. Oh, also you can start a Revolution, which will cause your team to instantly gain 10 Nexus Health and everyone will gain Strength I for 5 seconds the next time they hit an enemy. You can do this once per game, and only if your Nexus is below 60 Health. The Swedish You are the Scandinavian You spawn with wooden tools and a can of fish called Surströmming. Throw the Surströmming at an enemy to instantly kill them and any player within 40 blocks of the targeted enemy. Only you and other Swedish people are immune to the attack. If the targeted enemy is Swedish, he will not die, but still anyone within 40 blocks who isn't Swedish will die. Justin Bieber You are the bad musician who spits on his own fans Kill yourself. DJ Khaled You are the living meme You spawn with wooden tools, a music disc called "We the best Mixtape" and 16 hearts If you use the music disc with right click, everyone in the game will start hearing random music by or featuring DJ Khaled, and also everytime someone dies everyone will hear DJ Khaled say "Another one". HowToBasic You are the crazy You spawn with wooden tools and lots of food. You can throw food at enemies to get lots of clicks and subscribers, giving you a Strength I and YouTube Revenue I buff for 5 seconds. Keemstar You get roooiight into the news You spawn with wooden tools and the Channel Icon of #DramaAlert. Every 30 seconds, you can select an enemy by right clicking them with #DramaAlert. If you do, you and the enemy get rooooooiiiiiight... INTO THE NEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWSSS, causing lots of Drama and giving both you and the enemy lots of Clicks, which gives both of you a YouTube Revenue I buff for 10 seconds, but you yourself also get a Strength I buff.
Thank you all for the nice feedback! I really hope they put these classes into Annihilation, they would be really great additions to the game!
i will legit make a resource pack where all kill sounds will be replaced with DJ Khaled's "Another One"
please dont mind that actual burp from eating changed too, because its a kill soundeffect come check out my thread:
Stalin "You're the dictator" You spawn with a cane, and a stick entitled famine. Once you use your ability it slowly drains all the food bars while taking all food off the map. Everyone you hit with the cane teleports them to a gulag where they spend eternity working. You can also kill your teamates when they get too geared prevent them from overthrowing you.
Snoop Dogg You spawn with 3x Weed. If you activate Weed you and your Team in 30 Blocks range get Speed 2 and you can hear Gin and Juice. Enemy get blindness 1 from the Smoke! Shotbow you get spawn with only 1x Die Like the Server You and everyone in a radius of 5 blocks die like the Server right now! Prankster You spawn with 3x Fake Prank. Everytime you use Fake Prank you get a Speed and Atack buff for 30 Seconds from the Clicks and after that you get 30seconds Slowness2 and Blindness2 from being Exposed! Little Adition for Keemstar He spawns with 1x Fast As F Boiii which gives him Speed 2 for 15seconds! 1x Why am i still getting Hate which removes all his Debuffs!