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Other State of SMASH - December

Discussion in 'SMASH' started by Reconal, Dec 3, 2016.

Other - State of SMASH - December
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  1. Reconal Retired Staff

    Hey guys, this month has been a bit slow in terms of stuff, but I have something to say - that signs have been fixed on 1.9.

    New Maps:
    If you would like to submit a new map then feel free to post it under this section of the forums.

    If you guys have any suggestions for SMASH then feel free to post them on the forums.

    Jeroenhero has been working on SMASH recently, patching a lot of bugs - for example, the issue with the signs.

    The Future of Smash:
    While this is a small post, new things will be coming soon for SMASH, whether it be items, or even new maps - stuff will be coming soon!

    I hope you guys have an awesome amazing month, and enjoy your Christmas, and if you don't celebrate it, I wish you a happy holiday!

  2. AsiatusxX Regular Member

    Still no hint to when it comes out? Like not even something like "Not this year" or "withing next 3 months" or some shit? Jeez this feels so unorganized...
    Intraindividuell and GalacticaGX like this.
  3. GalacticaGX Obsidian

  4. SkeletonXF238 Regular Member

    Well I'm going to ask anyway even if I doubt I will get any more answer.

    Is there now any rough eta for when ranked will be fixed?
    Sam_F_ likes this.
  5. Jedrek_O Regular Member

    Is there any chance of getting sign-fix for 1.8?
  6. Kingey Retired Staff

    Ranked will be around again on 1.9.

    If the opportunity presents itself, yes. But for now, it is something we all have to deal with. The team is replacing dozens if not more than hundred signs every day to make sure the gameplay experience remains as high as we can get it to be in the current situation.
    However, all known sign issues have already been patched on 1.9!
    ACrispyTortilla and Sam_F_ like this.
  7. GalacticaGX Obsidian

    What is this ranked thing you're talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:
  8. SkeletonXF238 Regular Member

    I dunno I can barely remember it.
    Surely 1.9 is already getting way out of date though? Is Shotbow planning to sit on the 1.9 version even when 1.12 comes out?

    Is 1.9 a huge update that will be around for a while or already in place for updating to the later Minecraft versions?
  9. Kingey Retired Staff

    Our 1.9 instance as we call it on beta.shotbow.net already supports 1.11, so we're keeping up.
  10. SkeletonXF238 Regular Member

    Oh okay that's good to know.
  11. Kuubic Regular Member

    HAHAHAHAHAH Are you freaky kidding us, guys) This is idiotic. Firstly, you give admins to most useless smash players and now you ruin smash itself) So what will be next? And you are still do this reports, which are looking like "We are shotbow blablabla BLABLABLA blalalalalalala and will not make 1.9 balblablablabla". All are tired from this SHIT! Just leave you admins and main staff place and give them to normal pros, who knows what to do, because you are doing ABSOLUTALY NOTHING to make the situation better. You are just continue to say unless blablabla!
  12. vampire_toothy Obsidian

    Your comment is anything but constructive and useful, you should work on that.

    Now, firstly I must say that being a pro at the game means nothing when it comes to being an admin, there are several factors, and incase you're wondering, those factors do not include whether or not you're a pro, infact when we pick out our admins, we look for a few key things, such as maturity, experience, etc, I'd rather have admins I know will treat the community nicely than to pick people I'm not sure about (Not saying any of the pro's of this game are bad, I'm just saying that we take every bit of caution when it comes to selecting them)

    Second of all, would you rather be not informed at all? Because right now that is what this all sounds like, we do our best to announce only things that should be announced that we know will be getting released for sure. Realistically speaking, I can go on about adding every little thing that everyone says, but truth be told, right now we have larger priorities such as getting 1.9 out so that we can make the game better. All this big talk about us ruining the game, but you have yet to provide a single example as to how. What have we added that made the game less enjoyable, I would love to hear what you have to say about that.

    Lastly, you're doing absolutely nothing to make this situation better.

    Kind regards
  13. GalacticaGX Obsidian


    experience? ._. As far as I know Sabbath was banned for running while sneaking? Every experienced player would know that this is a bug.
  14. Jedrek_O Regular Member


    You know, during my work as a builder on another server we had that guy on the forums who would constantly make fun of us taking too long to make the map, yet he wouldn't do anything to help us. The difference between you and him is the fact that he actually was doing this to just troll us, and he used much less onomatopoeia.
    We are all pretty irritated with the current situation of smash, yet if you need fully working gamemode right now ,then go grab a java coding book and start scripting all the plugins, I'm pretty sure Jeroenhero wouldn't mind getting some help.
  15. vampire_toothy Obsidian

    Mistakes do occur sometimes, every person makes them at some point. When we do find those mistakes, it's only logical to correct them so that they do not happen again. I will not speak much about this, however I'm happy to say that the incident you've described was a long while back and has not happened since then, regardless of the case, every player will have their own experiences, some might not even encounter the bug until much later on, so I wouldn't exactly say "every experienced player".

    Kind regards
    Jantsen likes this.
  16. Jantsen Regular Member

    Ahhh....those were the days.
  17. AsiatusxX Regular Member

    Being an admin in general is one thing. But being a smash admin is different. Game-specific mechanics are best known to the best experienced players, which in this case are the Pros. Which is why you should listen to Pros. This is no difference in any other game. People who spend that many hours on a game know what makes it better and what does not.

    Warning: Criticism!
    The idea of recruiting Staff members by simply allowing someone to fill a list with questions, instead of actually applying for being a staff can be good to get more people involved. But to be honest some Staff members simply do not deserve to be part of the Staff, because they broke the Network rules in the past. Which is nothing that should be unforgiveable but still something to consider.
    "maturity". What a word. Definetly does not fit into every Staff members properties. Ive had my experiences with certain Staff members that used to be regular players in the past. And i already had some sort of bad feeling about them back then. That involves cheating in ranked matches (Not talking about downloadable Hacks) aswell as toxic behaviour towards me and my friends.

    In the very beginning of my Competetive Experience there was a clan found by me and Brontalo (The other Founders are not playing anymore) named "Team Hug". It used to be a clan for every high-skilled player in the scene which was the case until late 2015, when a few arguments i had with a couple players that, to be absoulte honest, i have no fucking clue at all what triggered these to happen, lead our clan to split up. Everyone that had something against me joined a new clan. I wont be saying any names as i still havent got a clear definition of Public shaming.
    However what happened from that point on is some really shady shit including harrassment towards me as a player and as a person by these people, which i really didnt care about since i was better than any of them at that time. But it ruined my experience as a clan member, because all that fun stuff didnt happen anymore. No regular party matches, no fun conversations, just pure quietness.
    And some people that ruined my experience that way are Staff members now. How can i not be distrustful under these circumstances?
    People that used to "hate" me are capable of kicking me or banning me whenever they want. Just imagine i was in a ranked match which was about the #1 Spot on the boards and someone "randomly" decides to kick me for "suspicious movement" or some shit. I felt uncomfortable when i saw these people being Admins right after they applied and i really dont know if i can play ranked with the same sense of security as soon as the Update comes out.

    This is just a personal issue and nothing the Staff should care about for the update. It just goes along with my criticism from the paragraph above.
    Sam_F_ and SkeletonXF238 like this.
  18. Kingey Retired Staff

    If you have the feeling that any current member of staff is abusing his or her power, you should approach the Lead of that gamemode, so that it can be looked into properly. From my point of view, there is currently no one on SMASH who would do such a thing. As for your example of kicking people just to troll and annoy you, the reason why we are on staff is not to play bad cop or anything. We work as hard as we can to uphold the unique game experience, and to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Like we are dealing with the signs right now. As SMASH isn't the only gamemode with sign issues, every staffmember is closely watching the website chat and in-game lobbies when they can just to keep everything running as smoothly as can be expected.

    We're not here to annoy or bugger you. We are here to help and to ensure that every players' experience is at it's highest.
  19. DrachenCube Gold

    As a former member of TH, I want to point out my personal opinion at this.
    First of all, yeah there were some conflicts and yes the team split up. But Im sure not everybody left because he doenst like you. Of course there were sone guys left because of this or other stupid reasons.
    You talked about some people, who doesnt like you and would ban you if they could/ you dont feel safe because of them. I woulsd say there isnt anyone who doesnt like you, can ban you and are from TH. All of those people left the team. Atm there are only five people on the team who were part of TH and non of them dont like you and can ban you. So I cant see your point here, I would be glad if you could correct me if Im wrong.
    This is just my personal opinion, so dont judge me for it :wink:
    And just want to make one thing clea, as an admin/ mini admin you should always act professionel and not "random". Of course some times I/we make mistakes, but afterall we are just humans.
  20. Kuubic Regular Member

    BLABLABLABLABKLA. You are just continue these useless talks. Just do something right now! For example, off some 1.9 servers. It will free some place for 1.8. Finally understand that no one hear do not want 1.9. Give our lovely SMASH BACK!

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