Great idea. Some suggestions I've thought of (most are already in the dc but I'll post them anyway) - Make it so we don't lose saturation during the graceful period. - when the Gulag gets created make it so you only have 1 chance to spawn back. If you lose you become a spectator. I would also close the Gulag at a predetermined time, meaning that you won't be able to go to the Gulag in e.g. the last 5 minutes of the game. - Add stats after the game has ended. This is fun for players to see. Some examples could be: most bow kills, most melee kills, longest killstreak, most damage dealt, most deaths and longest bow kill. - scale supply drops with playercount. - add books, maybe even low level enchanted books, few gold ingots, few diamonds, few arrows, food like bread and enderpearls. The drops should have a chance to spawn any of these combined, not all of them.