Yo. (disclaimer: read this when u got the time cause I already know this post not gonna be small) Here's a list of things I'd like to see added/ changed/ adapted/ . . . 1 - Lumberjack: Depending on the type of axe you use (stone, iron, diamond) it should deal more shredding damage to the armor. This goes for the lads who like using a battle-axe. 2 - Acrobat: fix the goddamn double jump (and the falldamage random direction launcher). You're trying to use a class ability to your own advantage but damn this class becomes ur worst enemy if it launches u half a block up or into some random direction. 3 - Scout: I have no clue how you managed to make it even worse but if your hook slides off a side of a block and lands on the block you aimed at, suddenly your grapple doesn't work anymore. Y'all just making this class look like shit. 4 - Defender: Why are we still respawning without the chainmail chestplate. 5 - Hunter: Fix the explosion to how it was supposed to be & bring back the dogs. 6 - Ninja: Needs a passive ability during pvp, I recommend a split second of blindness. 7 - Swapper: If redstone ain't allowed, remove levers too. 8 - Wizard: Fix missile Other things to fix: a - Remove the invisible TP that can either be made using Tinkerer pads or Bardboxes. b - Some classes, after kit-change have a countdown that doesn't go down, this has been an ongoing issue for a while. c - Though I use it myself after mining, the fact that I can /hub or /al and rejoin quickly as a means to get back to base is quite an unfair advantage. I'll exploit it as long as it's still a thing though. d - Tinkerer pads should have a cooldown before you use it again. e - Vamps shouldn't be able to mine diamond. f - Make skybridges great again. Put a fly height limit on vamps. Add some rush variety and not the "Let's wait for nighttime to quickly go vamp and take it down". There is a lot of crap i'm missing out of or that probably is just my own personal thought on it. Add your own damn opinions on it or things you agree on I couldn't really care less.
Sentences about Acrobat, Scout and Defender particularly. with my English skill I can't explain it properly but I felt sense of humor from them
Thanks For #Agreeing Big Lad. I know right, mans always posting godly stuff on here. Oh! I get what you mean, I always like adding some sense of humour to my posts, ain't nobody trying to read a boring post especially if it's long.
update: surprised no one has really said anything about it but why can I not take items out my 9th inventory slot when I enter the crafting table? It's really annoying especially if you shift click when crafting items.