Proper Etiquette of the Roleplaying Forum

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by steels12, Aug 26, 2013.

Proper Etiquette of the Roleplaying Forum | Page 5
  1. steels12 Regular Member

    1. I'm 16, grandpa.

    2. You did. By name.

    3. Thinking of how to word it. Ideally I'd love to build hype around my self as currently all my words to date have had little to no vocal popularity, and so I wouldn't want to make what could be perceived as spam.

  2. Nekusakuraba Regular Member

    What exactly are you looking for in the new story you want to make? The theme, setting, etc
  3. steels12 Regular Member

    I have a few ideas, none of which relate to Shotbow or its games (which is fine, according to admins, as I feel the need to restate). I'll toss them around as well as a few examples if you need clarification.

    So, in no particular order:

    A Death Game (Hunger Games, Future Diary, Fate/Zero)

    Dystopia or Pseudo-Utopia (Guilty Crown, 1984)

    Post Apocalyptic (Fallout, or even going as far as a rebuilt society after an apocalypse (Sort of like my Glass Wings roleplay))

    Those are probably the three biggest themes I have. I'm pretty good at mixing and matching things like plot devices and such, which is why I kind of like the idea of making a thread in which the audience I'm about to write to can pitch ideas, receive a preview, and then have a story that appeals to their interests.
  4. NikkoTheNeko Gold

    Maybe take a plot along the lines of 1984 but instead of a fake war have them believe they're in a fake paradise consituted with daily consumption of a pill like in The Giver. Upon not taking your medicine the peace corps (a euphamastic name for a military force [I know I spelled it wrong please don't crucify me]) take you down. At one point a protaganist leaves the community and sees the true horror of the land outside their fake community and they need to fight off the mutated population of the world, bandits, and scouting parties from the fake paradise society? But hey I'm a stoner so it probably won't end well lol
  5. steels12 Regular Member

    It's going to incorporate some sort of supernatural / mutation / badass powers kind of aspect, trust me. One of the biggest flaws (in my opinion) about The Lesser Evil was that Isaac was too restricted to be the character I wanted to be. Harbinger was meant to sort of provide that sort of "power for corruption" kind of balance, but it definitely wasn't to the degree I wanted it to be. In Glass Wings, Rook was meant to begin as this almost impenetrable fortress of a person, who would eventually be discovered as a sort of pseudo-hero with a lot of limitations and flaws. He never got the development though.

    Regardless, this discussion isn't on-topic for the thread, and I just made a thread for tossing around ideas, so it'd be best to move there.
  6. IkusaTakuma Regular Member

    good job on this, read through this before posting my roleplay, wan't very long but it was a minigame i was roleplaying on.
  7. Captain_End Platinum

    Steels probably loves the positive feedback he's getting from you, but there's something called necro-posting. It's essentially posting after nobody has said anything about it for two weeks or more. Read the day the last post was made, please. That's all I ask before you post :D
  8. IkusaTakuma Regular Member

    oh you mean bumping, oh, I didnt check the last few posts, sorry!
  9. steels12 Regular Member

    I don't know what the etiquette for a sticky'd thread was but it's not like you're suppressing anyone else's post by bumping this one, which is the major reason why necroing is bad. In general cases it sends the dead post to the top of the viewing list, causing living posts to be forced into a lower position, which doesn't really happen here.

    Regardless, I appreciate the feedback.
  10. XDGrangerDX Platinum

    In my oponion, stickied threads cant be bumped or necroed, because they are always ontop of the forum.

    That said, one should still make sure their post is relevant to the discussion and not outdated. In this case feedback for a months old idea isnt relevant anymore because this idea was meanwhile either finalized or scrapped.
    steels12 likes this.
  11. LawsOfAviation Regular Member

    You just swore in the "Care, don't swear" section.
  12. steels12 Regular Member


    Oh shit... I fucked up, didn't I?
  13. NikkoTheNeko Gold

    Hey hey hey watch your goddamn fucking language; there are fucking kids here, you fucking sailor
  14. steels12 Regular Member


    U WOT M8? I'll fookin bash ye hed in, swear on me mum. Fight me IRL
    NikkoTheNeko likes this.
  15. XDGrangerDX Platinum

    Fuck, faggots stop this cancerous language, there little shits here.
  16. LawsOfAviation Regular Member

    Please get back on-topic. And STAHP SWEARING.
  17. steels12 Regular Member


    We're just playing around, I swore on purpose out of dramatic irony
  18. LawsOfAviation Regular Member

  19. _LordCorn_ Silver

    Proper english allows you to write numeric symbols past twenty.
  20. Dodger546 Regular Member

    There is a lot of controversy with that rule dude. Generally, if you are unsure you should spell out numbers under eleven. Otherwise its safer to simply spell out the number, or where it makes sense.
    Ex. Fourscore and seven years ago, instead of 4 score and 7 years ago. Or 7 13-year olds would actually be seven 13-year olds.

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