Hello. I think annihilation needs more classes, so let me propose you some of my ideas. 1 class: Dog owner (hound owner) Basically, this class gives the opportunity to summon personal hounds, that will attack its owner's foes. The owner can summon up to 3 hounds at one time. ( We have to think more about how much health and damage each hound has ) 2 class: Time traveller This class gives the opportunity to travel back in time (5 second back, for example) . It means this class gets back to the previous location with the same amount of HP and effects it had 5 seconds ago 3 class: Elph This class has 16 HP, golden armour, a bow and permanent speed 1 and jump boost 2. It can go into invis mode for 3 seconds. 4 class: Witch The witch has a black cat that always follows here wherever she goes. Every 30 seconds the witch can get a splash potion with a random negative effect by clicking on the cat. The cat can be summoned every 15 seconds, but, if it's killed - the witch should wait 1:15 min. to summon the cat again 5 class: Cactus man The cactus man has 24 HP and permanent weakness 1 buff. If someone hits the cactus man there's 35% chance that they'll get damaged. (Like a built-in Thorn effect)