There was once a lonely child who lived on a island with a sunset that was eternal. This child had a dream, a dream that she would chase the sunset and make it her own; so she prepared. She would run for hours on end to be fast enough to catch the sunset. As the years went by, the child was no longer one, but an adult ready to chase a dream. She began to set up at the beach with her back to her home where she had spent years of her life, she was now prepared to leave it behind to chase her dream -to chase the eternal sunset. With hope, she began to run across the beach the dust rising from behind her quick footed steps. She ran and ran and came across a jungle so she had to slow down. Fear began to rise in her, but she knew that she had to keep up her pace or she might fall from exhaustion in the dark jungle. As she reached the ends of the jungle, she began to see a glimmer of light, a crack between the towering trees. With that light as her guide out of the jungle, she started to make her way out, dodging many obstacles that were slowing her progress towards her dream. With the dark jungle at her back, she began to run faster and faster vaulting over trees and jumping rocks. Then she collapsed on the sand. Her run has taken her to the end of the island. Her dream has began to stop and she began to cry. She had realized that her dream was a hopeless dream that can not be achieved.
Pretty good, could use some clean up though. Probably reworking some phrases could help it flow better. Things such as... " As the years went by, the child was no longer one, but an adult ready to chase a dream." Could be rewritten as... "As years past, the child had grown; becoming an adult, she was ready to chase her dream." Probably could be done better, but you get the point.