Greetings Survivors! Spookfest has returned! MineZ Spookfest 2024 Phase I and II has arrived, bringing with it treats, feats and frights. Treat Chests Treat Chests have returned for Spookfest! These spooky supply drops have been a staple of Spookfest, and bring many different players together for the chance at getting some special loot. Loot from these events are special and those who manage to grab a portion of the loot from the many chests that spawn during these events will walk away well rewarded. This year, we are testing a new scheme for treat chests, isolating the major ones to just the weekend. These drops are larger than normal and have a few special additions. These treat chests feature backfilling chests. This means that a Spooky Medium chest will also fill with some items from the tier below it. This looks like the following image. Weekday drops also spawn a few items from the treat chest loot pool, but do not spawn nearly as many chests or feature large Halloween builds. We try our best to make sure chests are available to as many people as possible and we are accommodating our players all over the world. For that reason, we've decided on this schedule for Treat Chests! (All times in Eastern Standard Time EST) You can view this years schedule in-game by typing the /drops command. Chest spawning is an important part to be aware of during our Treat Chests to make sure you don’t miss the chance to grab some loot! At the scheduled start time there will be an announcement across MineZ with its location and the countdown to the first chest spawn! There will also be an announcement in the Shotbow discord for those who have the @Minez Notifications role! Chests spawn in 10 minutes after the announcement, and similar to the regular supply drops, will not spawn all at the same time. Chests spawn in phases, little by little each of the chests will spawn in, staggered one after the other, and you'll either have to get out quick with the first drop of loot, or take control of the area and keep up defending to claim as much as you can! This year, the treat chests have very few, if any expiring items. The only items which are set to expire are items which would otherwise be too problematic to have in the game permanently. As always, alting is not allowed, and all other MineZ and Shotbow Rules apply as normal. Spooky Explorations Spooky builds have become a staple throughout the many years of Spookfest. Each year the team has brought new and old builds back. This year we have added many new spooky and spine shivering additions. From returning favorites to new spooky builds, you’ll have quite a lot of exploring to do. Like previous years, spooky locations offer a variety of special halloween goodies and some even offer parkour challenges. Step Right Up Also new to Spookfest this year, the team has been hard at work creating a spooky dungeon for those of you brave enough to venture into it. We're not clowning around with this one. Best of Luck. If you are brave enough to solo this dungeon, you will be eligible for a special contest. We will reward the first person to complete the dungeon SOLO and post their video to youtube with a special, unique prize(s). You must DM this video to a MineZ Staff member to claim your prize. A Solo run of this dungeon is eligible when you alone, from start to finish, complete the entire dungeon with no other assistance from players at the time of your run. You may use any prior knowledge from group runs. You may not use any resource blocks which change the appearance of blocks. The Spooky Skeleton Hunt With the release of Phase II of Spookfest there are now two active Halloween Headhunts. You may have to search more thoroughly for some that are well hidden, but if you are persistent you’ll be greatly rewarded! Once you've found a head, simply right click it to be awarded a small amount of Shotbow XP. When you claim the last head, you'll be given some extra prizes. You can view info about this headhunt in-game as well by typing the /checkheads command Closing We're super excited for you all to explore Spookfest, head hunting, Treat Chests and more. These holiday events are always something to look forward too. Remember that Wonderland is not too far off! Enjoy the spooky celebrations and as always, Thanks for flying Shotbow!