Ok once upon a time, LegendaryAlex returns to MTA after a year of hating it. He went to U6 since it is the most active area in MTA. Then, some jetpack people named LegitNube and InfinityAura swooped down to try gunning him down. But luckily, LegendaryAlex went into U6 before he got beaten. LegitNube and InfinityAura kept camping LegendaryAlex for that 1 million bounty that is set after he died last time. With LegendaryAlex's brain shaped like a computer chip, he learned how to house tp through typing. LegendaryAlex tped to V22 where pretty much most of the OGs like 00110101, Saber527, KounterattacK. all of Trinity and LegitNube plus InfinityAura which they all were doing drunk fights, such as 00110101 trying to rip off someone's **** (i'm not saying who 00110101 targeted). Since LegitNube said to all of the people at the party that LegendaryAlex has a 1 million bounty, they all ran out of V22 to chase alex. Alex was fortunate enough to literally hide in the water. Alex went to tp to U6 where LegitNube was there all alone. Alex had a marksman to headshot legitnube since he was too weak. however, legitnube survived and headshotted alex, insta-killing him. Alex then was bountied by noobfan to 10 mil so he got chased for hours and hours until alex quit. THE END alex shouldn't went back to MTA Thanks to these stories: https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/legendaryalexs-city-life.382429/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-life-of-legendaryalex-part-4.382441/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-life-of-legendaryalex.377596/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-life-of-legendaryalex-part-2.382087/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/why-legendaryalex-hates-noobfan.382486/ https://shotbow.net/forum/threads/the-story-of-love-shack.371245/