Doodad spawning issues

Discussion in 'When in Rogue' started by Mr_Darn, Apr 16, 2015.

Doodad spawning issues
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  1. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Please, if you would, post screenshots below of any doodads that are spawning wrong.

    Things like spawning in a place that blocks your path, Into the roof, or gives access to an adjoining room etc.

    Thank you!

  2. drewko09 Platinum

    One time I finished stronghold jumped in the portal (to go to floor 5 which completes it) and I burned to death
  3. Jarool Mini Admin

    I don't have screenshots (I will check), but the one doodad that causes 99% of any blocking is the huge, thick one with multiple spots for chests that spawns in Stronghold. It's the only one I've had problems with.

    May update this post with a screenshot of the doodad mentioned (most likely not one spawned incorrectly)
  4. Gegaba Platinum

    Here's what i found :
    piston standing wrong
    from there, you will never get out
    hole in the wall
    2 useless block of wool, why are they here?
    just enderchest
    Mr_Darn likes this.
  5. Jarool Mini Admin

    Solo'd Stronghold and couldn't find the doodad in question. But I did find three doodads that didn't spawn correctly.

    Piston spawned incorrectly, or not at all

    Button pressing did nothing (command block used may have broken)

    Chest spawned behind wall, prompting use of block-glitching to obtain
    Mr_Darn likes this.
  6. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Thanks guys, Let me know of any more.

    I should get to fixing them soon™
    (Disclaimer: so far I am only collecting information. I will correct them when i am able. Don't hold breath!)
  7. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Just as an update, work has started on fixing these.

    They are taking MUCH more time to locate, load, fix and save than i thought though.

    Should be seeing generation start to improve slowly over the coming weeks :)
    Hippo1042 likes this.
  8. 100PercentHippo Retired Staff

    Glad to hear! Thanks Mr Darn!
  9. BACEOfSpades Regular Member

    This is the spawn room. No way out. (Screenshots from 2 opposite corners).[IMG][IMG]
  10. TheTalkingMoose Platinum

    Darn do you want Jungle doodad issues too? I got a few of them...
    Also, if there's an unjumpable gap (4+ blocks) is that a bug or just designed to be impossible for a solo party?
  11. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    We found the solution for many of them was in the generation, so most will be fixed when the new generator is finished.

    I won't be needing any more.
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