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Different Hack Detector

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by chaserobbo, Apr 9, 2013.

Different Hack Detector

Does the hack detector need to be better?

YEŚ 1 vote(s) 100.0%
DEFINITELY 1 vote(s) 100.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. chaserobbo Regular Member

    Hi I was wondering If you have known anyone who has been ban for hacking EVEN THOUGH they dont hack? If so, POST HERE! We need to explain to the BAC's and Admin's that we need justice. This is unfair to all of the people who have been ban for doing something that THEY DIDN'T DO! Please Dont comment about how: Oh, you totally are a hacker! or You guys deserve getting ban just for being annoying :stuck_out_tongue: !!!!

    One last thing you can do in this thread is do another appeal. If enough people fight with me, eventually the admins and BACs will have to realize that their hack detector stinks! Now here is the format for the appeal:

    [Date you were ban]
    [How long you've been ban]
    [How much you love the server (1-20)]
    [Why it SAYS you were ban]
    [What really Happened]
    [How you think the hack detector messed up(optional)]
    [Any other information about the ban process]
    TIP: Try not to rage too much (even though I did in this)

    One last thing. -Tell everyone you know thats been ban for no reason about this thread.

    NOTE TO ADMINS: Please don't shut this down or lock it. This is our chance to speak out farther than those ban appeals.

  2. SocomX1 Retired Staff

    No. People who post would post here complaining they are unfairly banned would be 99% liars. Someone please lock this for the love of god before it gets bad.
  3. chaserobbo Regular Member

    I strongly disagree. I feel that %50 of the people who have been ban SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BAN. And we barely have a voice when it comes to ban appeals.
  4. Masacz Platinum

    Well that poll seems fair.
  5. chaserobbo Regular Member

    Thank god someone understands. Please Masacz, spread the word.
  6. chaserobbo Regular Member

    I wan't to verify something. I am not mad at the ShotBow staff at all. Actually I respect them Highly. Even though they have a poor choice in hack detectors.
  7. Lucid_Vitriol Platinum

    He was using sarcasm because you only endorsed one opinion in the poll. Players who were caught hacking will not be unbanned without sufficient evidence, and that is that. No matter how large of a group you manage to corral, they will not make a difference.
  8. chaserobbo Regular Member

    I beg to differ TheCraftinGenius.
  9. Majicou Retired Staff

    If you respect us, refrain to post there in the future. Locked.
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