Discussion Classic Gamemodes

Discussion in 'The Network' started by Mr_Darn, Nov 19, 2016.

Discussion - Classic Gamemodes | Page 2
  1. DarkThrillernite Obsidian

    Most of their population was from HCF, which branched off into Annihilation and Minez.

  2. Braiti Platinum

    Ok? What's your point? o_O
  3. waltster Regular Member


    Darn, its good to see you back. I remember seeing you on Annihilation a few times :D

    I completely agree. There's nothing wrong with custom games that no-one has heard of, but its also fun to play good old fashioned classics. Personally, I think PvP disabled survival would be fun, especially if you threw in some multi-world options. That would draw people from both the creative side and the survival side.

    We need more players... Bad. There needs to be a more centralized game-mode that you don't have to play with tons of other people, but that is still enjoyable if you do. That will draw not only more players, but their friends. Who wouldn't want to get on a server and pay survival with five friends?

    The other thing is that Shotbow should downsize a little. I'd suggest cutting a few games (mainly the ones that used to be in the Arcade), and keeping only the largest three or four. The lobby is waaayy too big for the playerbase we have right now. Trust me, I think its beautiful, but when you try and play a game and there's only one other person... We need to consolidate.

    I'd suggest keeping MineZ, Annihilation, Mine Theft Auto, and potentially a fourth big-playerbase game. It'd be a risk to cut some of the other games, but it'd free up lots of budget room and dev-time.

    I'm afraid to see the player count drop so far. I remember logging on with 20,000 others some days. We've got to do something :D

    pokepeople01 and Fluffoon like this.
  4. connor564 Platinum



    I mean SURE
  5. Voymar Platinum

    I'am defently not with you.

    All information I can get out of this post is, that you actually want to say that shotbow should just do the same stuff as other networks. How do you think should that work? Just stealing one by one the same plugin as from other networks?

    Shotbow was and still is known for his unique gamemodes. By taking other gamemodes you would not get any more players online. You wouldn't be better than other networks. How you already said, the "classics" are solid already into other networks.

    My view: There is no point of converting your suggest.

    the_waltster likes this.
  6. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Awesome. You're entitled fully to disagree

    Good question, and let me clarify.

    Skyblock and prison are not from "other networks". They are crowdplugins meant for any server to use, much like hungergames was when we converted it to Shotbow games. The only difference there was LazerTester was actively helping that developer with that plugin.

    I disagree. Many players here come here daily for their dose of shotbow.
    They love the games shotbow provides and love playing them, BUT...

    Then they move to another server to play games like prison and skyblock.
    They like these simple gamemodes everyone knows how to play. Just like having a creative server here keeps the players who like the creative experience here, so will these extra servers with these other gamemodes.

    I'm not suggesting this from a standpoint of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. I love Shotbow. It runs in my veins, and it saddens me that I have to go to other servers to get my fix of such simple games. I want to play here at Shotbow, but the modes here are simply too PvP orientated for me. I prefer the technical side of Minecraft, and the playing against the game in tandem with other players rather than against the players themselves.
    Now I agree many of Shotbows players now love PvP and come here just for that, but there are those of us who actually don't like PvP. We're here to just play the game as friends.
    These types have a choice of Paying a premium and playing MineZ PvE, or going elsewhere.

    I just want a place for those people to go to where they can play the gamemodes they use other servers for at the moment.

    There is no reason why Shotbow can't add in their own twists to games like SkyBlock and Prison, completely changing the face of the game whilst keeping the backbone of the plugin. There is a lot of scope for these simple games. And they are easy to moderate since hackers don't ruin peoples days as much as they do in PvP, and are frankly much easier to detect.

    As a former Shotbow player, I'm saying these are the types of games I play. (these and When In Rogue). I would return to Shotbow if these gamemodes were here.

    Possibly not, I'm unsure of the financial standpoint of Shotbow at the present time.
    Perhaps servers like these will simply be too much cost to run now Mojang has imposed its changes. I don't know.

    All I do know is children are running these types of servers, Badly, and making them pay enough to stay online.
    Why can't Shotbow feed on that revenue and keep some of its players on these servers rather than having them go elsewhere to play these universal games?
    connor564 likes this.

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