Discussion Classic Gamemodes

Discussion in 'The Network' started by Mr_Darn, Nov 19, 2016.

Discussion - Classic Gamemodes
  1. Mr_Darn Retired Staff

    Well hello.
    Yes, I was an admin here. Lets get over it.

    I'm here to suggest a change in direction.
    For years Shotow has been the front line of innovation. First to have a hub, first to have persistent inventories, first to have multiple servers running one map etc...
    And yes, they pride themselves on it.

    But, Don't you just long for some good old fashioned MineCraft?

    I understand why Shotbow has not looked at the trends in the past, but is it not time to bring some classics to the fold?
    And much much more...

    Yes, it takes resources to have these servers, but wouldn't it be awesome if we could use our own shotbow hub as a gateway to all the games we love?

    I say throw out the old ideals of being original, and bring some classics to Shotbow, so we can keep our players here, and give them some variety!

    What classics would you like to see here?

    Who's with me?!?

  2. ImbC DBV Lead Admin

    What if



    MineZ 2 building mechanics
    Ktrompfl and _RunningKing_ like this.
  3. DutchSurvivor Obsidian

    Darn, I missed ya! It's good to see you!!

    All though I do agree with you, I think however that, fast phased games are the best on most servers. For example Skywars/Skyclash etc...
    Shotbow has some fast phased gamemodes like Smash, DBV and gungame. But there's nothing to achieve, special achievements, kits, Perks... And yes, Smash and DBV have an Elo system but that's it... Everything on Shotbow is buyable...

    Annihilation, all the classes and clan'perk'.
    MineZ, the spawning items.
    Smash, particels.
    MTA, money, items etc...

    What I'm trying to say is, you can't achieve anything special by just playing the game. Scout used to be a thing in Annihilation. But that changed quickly... Nowadays all you need is XP, and you're set...

    And apart from all that, Shotbow is just not a PvP server anymore, but "outgearing"... Which is pretty self-explanatory.
    I have no idea how other servers do it, but everything is different. The hit-detection, latency etc... I have no idea how servers work nor how to change it. But many others seem to have it figured out. Many games over the Minecraft community are PvP based. And if Shotbow could come up with something new, fresh, fast phased and PvP'ish'. That would be great. For example a mix of the games OTC used to have.

    Anyway, Shotbow has so many long-term based games. Personally speaking I think it would be wise to get a few great short phased games going... (Maybe small Annihilation games 10v10 etc. And everything aimed towards PvP and not outgearing. "Fishing rod and flint n steel").

    If you have questions feel free to ask^^
    DutchBartje likes this.
  4. squallythewally Obsidian

    This capital C scarred me...

    On topic, I couldn't agree more.
    Ktrompfl and Mistri like this.
  5. etyp_ Platinum

    I always did want to see a SMP server on Shotbow, but things are probably not gonna be as smooth as that.
  6. Nose4Toes Platinum

    I agree with this completely, Shotbow needs to make more game modes to bring players back/new players in. If shotbow wants to keep their originality up as well, there are likely little twists that can easily be added to keep the originality in check.
    aysharapov likes this.
  7. aysharapov Guest

    Honestly, Shotbow has been known these last 4 years because of MineZ and Annihilation MAINLY. Why not focus on those 2 gamemodes and persist to bring more people into the server? Honestly, I feel that if Shotbow Developers putted all of their attention into Anni and Minez, the server could become great again and reach peaks of 3000+ players, we just need to work it out, maybe add a few more devs, Post a lot about Shotbow and its server in different Minecraft pages and wait for it, Im sure Anni and MineZ could become great again, they just need a bit more love added. Come on Shotbow, If you focus on these 2 gamemodes, you can make Shotbow great again :)
  8. Creeperker Ruby

    Why I is Shotbow... Why is Shotbow... We want to make so little server or shutting down it? lol Why do this server players say "Lets make great again!" Staff say "It won't easy to..." or "it need costs" or "it need time" or so. lol You have many Devs, You have a lots of money, You have a lots of time. Why you can't make it? You could :lmao: We NEEDS to talk with Navarr and Highlife JUST right now. Why am I writing this Because I love Shotbow. Why am I still in Shotbow? Because I love Shotbow. Why am I "loving" Shotbow? Because I loved Shotbow. I spent over 1000$ for the Server, In the past Shotbow was worth it. But now, I regret it. I guess if Owner saw this thread, he say "haha, Piggy bank says a crap things." I won't like to say these things... I believe Shotbow... just saying...

    Thanks for read, I'm sorry for dirty words, and not on the topic reply. but I think almost players are thinking so too.
  9. Wun Gold

    "Throw out originality, bring in something that any 10 year old with $20 can make". I mean, there has to be some middle ground here. At Spigot we see hundreds of people starting up their servers with these generic gamemodes a week, then we never hear from them again. What makes you think Shotbow can do something good with the same? Shotbow has always thrived on doing something new, but new things have not been happening. I don't follow as to why doing being original would not be preferred considering that when Shotbow actually manages to get something new done, it's quite popular.
  10. Braiti Platinum

    I don't know if this is sarcasm or not.
  11. ImbC DBV Lead Admin

    Why would I be sarcasm?
    Braiti likes this.
  12. DutchBartje Emerald

    First of all, I love this idea. The 10v10 Annihilation idea is great. No, not the competitive one. Face the truth, no one really plays competitive anymore. A smaller version of Annihilation would be so much more fun. It can just be with 4 teams, it's all the same, but shorter and more action.

    I would love to hit players with my fishing rod again, you have a way bigger change of killing outgeared players on Annihilation than you have now. Same for flint and steel. Annihilation is a teamgame where you have to work as a team in order to win. You can't solo an Annihilation match, you can however carry a game, but that's not the same.

    I, as a former dedicated Annihilation player can say that Annihilation is definitely about teamwork, team chemistry. Most of the players use Scout nowadays. If we get flint and steel and a fishing rod to hit people. Scout would be a lot harder to play with. Especially in 1.9 - If a Scout is on fire, it is not able to use it's grapple, which makes them vulnerable.

    Games like Skyblock, Survival and Prison it's fun, but it's not Shotbow. Shotbow has always been an original Minecraft server. So many servers got the ideas of Shotbow. Smash, Annihilation, HCF (I don't know). I think Shotbow should stay as it is. It should focus on the 3 well-played gamemodes: Annihilation, MineZ and Smash. Moreover, this way Shotbow stays original and I bet we can get more players if we stay original as long as we can.
  13. anuty0 Regular Member

    yeah well i dont think that's going to happen lol.

    Shotbow has been stalling gamemodes for a long long time.
    1. MineZ 2 was most hype and made the player count jump up to 2,500 players, but the release was too much for them to handle and in my opinion was a bit unfinished and rushed
    2. Gold Rush would've been playable and should've got more updates overtime
    3. Annihilation is long gone and is now a cispool of people swearing and more toxic than ever
    4. MTA is a mess
    5. Smash is bugged and almost dying
    6. Wasted is umm wasted
    7. Gun Game is dead
    8. where is Control??
    9. Ghostcraft broke and probably isnt coming back ever (rip to all the people who has spent all of their xp on it)
    10. MineZ is actually better than MineZ 2 for some reason
    11. the "Arcade" is gone with all of its games
    12. the originality is dying because bigger servers with quicker devs are making the games and pushing them out first. Competition for "originality" is literally over for this server.
    No No No No No No No bad idea and why? focusing on ONLY 2 gamemodes and not releasing anything new will bring the server down even more and players will get bored of playing the same repetitive game of
    "get resources, gear up, die, start over, gear up, get halfway to the nexus, die, gear up, mine the nexus 10 times, get berserker rushed, lose."
    or a gamemode that has no ending and no value of things because all it does to you is just "ok i have to survive and get diamond swords, iron armor, then find players really low, kill them, and then have them quit because i own this terf." then die to a clan of some sort.
    tl;dr - shotbow stalls/removed too many games to keep player count and nothing new to keep the flow going
    GalacticaGX likes this.
  14. GalacticaGX Obsidian

    It's to late 4 Smash. It's full of bugs. The most players were German and changed to another server with a less buggy game which is smiliar to Shotbows Smash. RIP Smash ._.
  15. DutchBartje Emerald

    I totally forgot about Gold Rush! I'm actually pretty 'hyped' for Gold Rush. I really like the concept, but it's been too long now, because of the update to 1.9. All I can think of is that Gold Rush will be released together with all the updates when 1.9 is released. :wink:
  16. DarkThrillernite Obsidian

    Look at hypixel. They have around 12,000 people on skywars alone. We should have some sort of skywars on here to boost population which will draw them to try out the other game modes on the network
  17. aysharapov Guest

    They wouldn't come. Hypixel is known for Skyways, Shotbow is known for Annihilation, Badlion is known for PvP.
    You can't expect to "add" a gamemode that a LOT of servers use and expect people to "magically come"
    Shotbow is WIDELY known for Annihilation and MineZ. We don't need new small gamemodes or additions, we need to work HARD on Annihilation and MineZ and hopefully expect more people to come back. Not trying to sound rude, but people wouldn't give a shit if Shotbow added skywars because:
    a)It would be buggy asf, So many unfinished gamemodes, how do you expect them to add a new one when the others arent even finished?
    b)Players play skywars on other servers because they are KNOWN for having that in there. Shotbow can't just add skywars or other gameodes and expect people to magically come.
    c)It wouldn't work. Shotbow is partially dead atm, its peaks barely reach 1000 players which is extremely sad. Shotbow needs to work their ass off in Annihilation and MineZ and miraculously bring a shit ton of people back, which would be semi-impossible to do.
    DutchBartje likes this.
  18. Braiti Platinum

    Yes, let's steal from other servers. That's a brilliant idea.


    The difference between Shotbow and other bigger server networks is that Shotbow is a community-run server while the other servers have paid-for developers and such. If Shotbow wants to take it up a notch they would have to buy developers which is something that'll probably never happen.

    I believe Shotbow's power lies within its community, and Shotbow has been fortunate to have such a strong community over these past 4 or so years. However, Shotbow probably reached it climax around 2 or 3 years ago, and they've been slowly breaking down ever since. Many of their more well-known admins have departed and many of the well-known community members have gone as well.

    I can even see it with their current staff that they've grown somewhat tired of this charade as well, and we're basically beating a dead horse at this point. Yet, they persist on with the server even though it's clearly going down hill, and I can admire that because for those few admins that have stuck around since the beginning it shows that they're willing to go down with this ship.

    This is what I'm going to say though. While things look bad right now, especially after the hit they took from reducing their premium down to nothing but cosmetics, I believe Shotbow has some time left before they'll be trapped at rock bottom. In my personal opinion I believe that if Shotbow wishes to continue on, I think they need to stop whatever they're doing and start listening to the community since that's ultimately all they have left.

    This is just my own opinion though, so don't take my word on it. It just seems like the most logical choice from my perspective. Of course they don't need to listen to everything the community says, but let the community decide which direction they go. Should they focus on bug-fixing or updating gamemodes? This or that? Stuff like that. Or don't take my word for it at all.

    I'm just saying I'm still here, so I think that goes to show Shotbow has some fighting chance with the considerable amount of community they have left since the community they do have is genuinely loyal. Just hope they don't let it go to waste.
    DutchBartje, Fluffoon and drewko09 like this.
  19. anuty0 Regular Member


    lets take a journey in anni to see what the community is like :oops:

    Yes devs NEEDS to listen to players that have played the gamemodes for an extended amount of time (dunno like a month or so) to hear what they have to say and what they believe WILL help the gamemode out before it dies (MTA anyone??).

    This pickle is right in saying shotbow has a short amount of time. no gamemodes are being pushed out and bugs are on the loose, never being caught and causing more problems than good. yes, bugs, not features.

    The staff itself is probably going in an all time low at this point. some are literally a fun police "you CANNOT have any FUN while I'M here" basically abusing their powers in such a way, finding loopholes to ban people. The staff and devs are getting a hell of a lot of backlash from the community of them either being "lazy" or "abusing their powers" or "Too strict". no good morale, only bad.

    Shotbow NEEDS some filler games to keep player flow moving because right now the heart isn't going to pump any longer and we're slowly losing the flow that is needed to thrive and survive.
  20. DarkThrillernite Obsidian

    These game modes that shotbow has right now are based off of others that other servers have.

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