All Roleplays Listed Here.

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by Pyrosfyre, Jun 13, 2013.

All Roleplays Listed Here.
  1. Pyrosfyre Silver

    This form is based off of boogarts Roleplay Index. Unfortuately boogart is no longer updating his form so I have taken the liberty to make one. This will be updated every so often. I want to thank boogart for the Idea in the first place.
    If there is a story that you want on the thread that I have missed then please Private message me. I will update it and include any stories that have been requested.

    Again special thanks to boogart.

    The format:

    [Story Title] by [Author]
    [Short Summary to make people want to read it]
    [Clean Language, Mild Language, or Strong Language]
    [Positive Comment] - [Commenter]
    [Positive Comment] - [Commenter]
    [WIP(Work In Progress) or finished if it's WIP the language may change]
    So as an example:

    The Man who Killed Zombies by Jacsebalon
    A thought provoking story about a man who runs around and kills zombies.
    Mild Language
    "Really well written" - HighlifeTTU
    "Great story, you should read it" - Majicou
    Finished Story

    For the language ratings Clean is hardly any to no cursing, any mom should be able to read it to their 10 year old without gasping and such. Mild is some minor curses that can be mildly frequent. Strong is bad curses and/or racism, sexism, or anti gayism also lots of strong cursing throughout the story, 18+.

    A short explaination for the ranking of CleanMild and Strong.
    Clean : No more than 5 swear words in any twenty chapters. No inappropriate themes.
    Mild : Some swear words but not over the top. No inappropriate themes
    Strong: Consistent use of swear words. Potential inappropriate themes.

    Also a new quota is being placed on this thread. All stories that are on this thread must have at least four or five chapters. This is to help the roleplay section remain uncluttered by all the one chapter stories where the authors don't quite like the way their story turned out. I will be going through and removing all stories that are currently on the index that have less than four chapters.

    Adventures of a Traveling Healer bytherarelogic
    A healer travels from place to place trying to help those she can.
    Mild Language
    please keep it up! – wade654

    Annihilation, The War Of Ages by DraconianAce17
    A confused soldier finds himself in the middle of a war between four factions. Will he survive?
    Clean language
    I like your writing, very much really. - ThordFox
    I like it, I would love to see how this turns out. - WiiGoGetter

    Annihilation, A Family Story by Mintkirby9
    The story of how a family is torn between teams as they fight to survive.
    Clean language
    Very nice! Gripping one could say. - Xizia
    Finnished work

    A Healer's Journey by jjfajen
    A healer struggles to do right in a world of wrong.
    Clean language

    Alpha OmegabyDodger546
    A lonely man is deceived by a wandering magician. With his new power what will befall him?
    Clean Language
    I already like this more than Relinquished. And it's nice to see a back story for your character. - DarkApostle999
    I like the amount of detail it has, - crusadess

    Angels Above byPinkAng3l
    An awesome story about a girl who loses here memory. Will she get it back?
    Clean Language
    "well, the return of my favorite story..." - mrnutty12
    "it's brilliant to see this return" - Wagoo

    An Uncalculated Mistake byPyrosfyre (Comments)
    A story of a man who goes on a quest to fix his terrible mistake.
    Clean Language
    "Very very interesting" - Scary_Assissin
    “I like how this story begins the zed-apocalypse at the wizard's tower… the lore is unique and amazing…” – DarkApostle999

    A Dark Descent, Stories From the Zombie War by Mineeli
    Mysteries surround stories from different periods of the zombie war.
    Strong Language (F-Words and other swear words)
    This story can go places - Nekusakuraba

    A True Lack of Mercy byNikkoTheNeko
    The story of a psycho who just wants to kill everyone and everything.
    Mild Language
    No comments yet

    A world Corrupted byImaguy1337
    A story about a lonely farmer from Portsmouth, offers a fantastic backstory.
    Clean Language
    "Very, very nice. I am interested where you will take this story, and what characters will appear, and so on" - Starfish123
    "Nice chapter so far. Very Interesting. I like how you have the radio giving news on the other towns much like the one in mine" - Ole_Byzantine

    Beginning of the Chaos byvalkyrieX888
    A simple blacksmith leads an unlikely crew to try to find the source of the zombies.
    Clean Language
    Great start - Darkapostle999

    Blood On The Sand by martinaasterud
    A soletary soldier fights for the freedom of his country in an unraveling world.
    Clean Language
    you've grabbed my attention with the whole 'Operation Wasted' thing - Squirr3ly
    this is awesome - cr7fanboy

    Bloodshed byTheCraftinGenius
    An interesting story, it's in poem form and a very interesting read.
    Clean Language
    "I am loving this. This is a whole new way to look at roleplay and it is glorious." - niceguy2ooo

    Bystander, by Pikachu8091
    An annihilation story about a soldier, who witnesses his friends die left and right, and comes to realize, are telling all those amazing war stories worth it?
    Clean Language

    The Brink Of BloodbyNekusakuraba
    A continuation of the story “Fresh Spawn” It tells a story of revenge.
    Mild Language
    No comments yet

    Descent to Madness byDarkApostle999 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
    'A warrior priest of Agni finds himself awakened two month into the zombie apocalypse. As he encounters new friends, dangerous enemies, and ancient evils, how will this world of mayhem affect what he knows and what he believes?'
    Clean Language
    I LOVE this story dude....keep up the awesome work! – joshslayer99
    I like it.... I like it a lot – Pyrosfyre
    Finished Story

    Dracul’s Demise byholdenm1244
    The adventures of the worlds greatest thief.
    Mild Language
    no comments

    Fall of the Grimdale Government and the Beginning of the Endbymartinassterud
    A journal formatted story that gives insight on how the apocalypse began.
    Clean Language
    Great story! - Jankat7
    Finished Story

    Freedom Chaptersbylikebubba
    the story of how a survivor starts his feud with bandits.
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    Fresh Spawn byNekusakuraba [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
    A great long story about a man who goes on a great adventure.
    Mild Language
    "good work" fmthemaster
    "A well written story, I could see some of this being the Lore in MineZ, Amazing writing skills to" - brandonsuter
    Finished Story

    Heien of Whitehaven byHeien
    Good read with interesting naval aspects.
    Mild Language
    “I really like it. Please keep going.”- Pyrosfyre

    Hero Uprising bycanman333000
    An inspiring story about a man who stands up to the bandits who killed his family in front of him.
    Clean Language
    "good that you carreid this thread over" - Imaguy1337
    “This was one of the first roleplays I've ever read and it was a good one. I'm glad to see it back in action." - DarkApostle999

    How I found my first friend byalex643
    An interesting story about a man who is going to help fights bandits but instead goes to Yawpton and makes some friends.
    Clean Language
    "I like it" - Squirr3ly

    [In a Moment's Time] by NeontheSniper
    A small group of people embark on a cross-continental journey to find their families.
    Mild Language
    "You've got me interested now." - mrnutty12
    I really quite like this, and it's a good intro to Roleplay. - thebretheren3

    Last Orders byDarkApostle999
    A single soldier battles against the undead army with the forces of the King. What will happen?
    Clean Language
    I like it so far. Spooky. - Pyrosfyre
    More details than my entire story. - Ole_Byzantine

    Lone Champion, by Bracko64
    Thrust into a competition he never chose to partake in, Bracko is forced to face opponents in his desperate struggle for s
    Mild Language
    [Awaiting feedback]
    [Awaiting feedback]

    Just Another Day byissunawesomeness
    A great story written differently, the main character nows he is being controlled by us "gods" read it!
    Clean Language
    Hmm, that was an interesting take on MineZ: Players to a mysterious god? I'm looking forward to see how this is going to work – Ciphon
    I really really liked it. - Pyrosfyre

    Just Another Day in MineZ by blockhead1110
    A poetic story of blockhead’s adventures in the realm of Minez. A fantastic poem!
    Clean Language
    o read a novel is entertaining but poetry is like a treasured relic forged from great minds. - DarkApostle999
    This is amazing. Perfect representation of MineZ! - kwinstuh

    Looking For My Worst Nightmare byroundrider
    A story about a fisherman from Portsmouth. After a big trip he comes back to find his family is missing. There are monsters outside his window...
    Clean Language
    "Goodjob man" - AlternatePFG

    Martin’s Storybymartinaasterud
    An interesting story of how a group survives the zombie apocalypse
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    MineZ - A Survival Story by SteelCreme
    A really good story about how a ten year old survives the apocalypse. Fantastically written and contains many elements of a great story.
    Clean Language
    "This is an AWESOME story, keep it up" - oliv111
    "Very, very nice story!! I love it!" - flame_burger

    MineZ ~ The Untold Adventuresbylehparsiphel
    The story of an experience with Banidting
    Clean Language
    Very nice! Very interesting as it is split up into multiple stories - Ole_Byzantine
    good job - marco_polo24

    [Monsters of Mankind] by Nekusakuraba
    Ten years after the spread of the virus BL-227, humans are still surviving, but struggling to do so in a post-apocalyptic North America. Even with the help of some outsiders, life isn't easy, nor will it ever be again.
    Strong Language
    "I can't wait to read the rest of it as it becomes available." - link9989
    "Good....You do it the old fashioned way...I like it." - Ole_Byzantine

  2. Pyrosfyre Silver


    Novil’s Journey by Evanify
    An interesting story about how modern survivors combat the Apocalypse.
    Strong Language (F-Words and other swear words)
    No comments yet

    O Noes Zeds byhihibigguy
    A funny story. It is still in the early stages but is looking great!
    Strong Language (F-Words)
    "Hahahaha idk why, but I found this so funny hahaah" - PinkAng3l
    It's beautiful. – Toaster49

    Out of the Frying Pan; Into the Fire byNeonthesniper
    A great story about three soldiers who have to survive the apocalypse together.
    Mild Language
    "like it" - Squirr3ly
    Finished Story

    Relinquishby Dodger546
    An interesting story that runs two views at the same time.
    Clean Language
    I like it. - mrnutty12

    Sanity Part 1byovan21
    The beginnings of a story of suvival
    Clean Language
    A bit fast paced but it sounds like a good developing plotline. - DarkApostle999

    So many zombies...So little time byOle_Byzantine [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3][Part 4] [Part 5][Part 6]
    A well written story about a how a healer who isn't combat trained most survive the zombie apocalypse. A must read.
    Strong Language (Lot's of F-Bombs and other curses)
    "pretty good" - wowgnomes
    "nice chapter I really liked reading it" - fmthemaster

    Survivors of the Apocalypse byCosmicZeta
    Interesting story, includes the Nights Watch, people from here, and is set in the same world as clickclockbanjo's story.
    Clean Language
    "Very nice! I like the variety in this book" - Ole_Byzantine
    Nice! – PinkAng3l

    The Adventures and Misadventures of a Nutt bymrnutty12
    no summary as of yet
    Clean Language
    no comments

    The Army of Zeds by 12jerrylee
    A young child tries to survive in an apocalyptic world.
    Clean Language
    Quite the tallent for writing you got there - eternalmars
    this is much better and its flowing very well. Makes a nice quick read. - Nekusakraba

    The Annihilation Adventures of Kenny by Cool72
    The story of how a single soldier leads his team to victory.
    Clean Language
    “Gimme… Gimme…” Quets4
    “This is not that bad, i find it kind of funny to read.” Poopy_Girl

    The Book of Eillo Khajn byCiphon
    A fantastic story, extremely well written.
    Clean Language
    "It's a good story, I like it" - Imaguy1337
    " I'm liking this story buddy, props to you! I hope you make more!" - Nekusakuraba

    The Chronicle of Marco_polo24 bymarco_polo24
    After his hometown is destroyed by zombies a survivor bands with others to make it through these hard times.
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The Cursed Amulet byCoolArik1
    The story of how a mans simple life is uprooted by his family heritage.
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The Cursed War by AfterBurner0
    A young soldier makes his way through the savage world as he tries to help others and bring an end to the zombie menace.
    Clean Language
    PLEASE CONTINUE DA' STORY!! -valkyrieX888
    I am very impressed by this story! -SteelCreme

    The day of burning sands byJackT8ers
    An awesome true story about bandits, trust, and friendship!
    Clean Language
    "A touching miniature tale" - Ciphon
    Finished Story

    The Doorway to Dale byntm1999
    Very interesting story, written in the "you decide" genre. Leaves you wanting more!
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The Last Skeletonbylmj2001
    a story about what happens to a young boy on the way home.
    Clean Language
    no comments yet
    Finished Story

    The Mission by Margai
    A group of specialized teens head to a cursed world to help those in need.
    Clean Language
    good story - eternalmars

    The Secrets of Minezby vampire_toothy
    an interesting story of how a sailor survives the apocalypse
    Clean Language
    No comments yet.

    The story of Joshua Everglade bywade654
    an interesting story of how a man befriends a zombie
    Clean Language
    I can tell this is going to be great. - Ole_Byzantine

    The Last Livesby woodethan31
    Two survivors find themselves in this strange new world. Will they survive?
    Clean Language
    Nice keep up the great work! - cam77890
    a good intro. - Pyrosfyre

    The Lesser Evil bysteels12
    The hunt for a man's past, that may change his future
    Mild Language
    I think the story has real promise. – Pyrosfyre
    Nice – sh4dow18

    The life of squirrelybySquirr3ly (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
    An Interesting story of what happened to Squirr3ly in a zombie apocalypse.
    Clean Language (As of part 1)
    no comments yet

    The Lone Bearbyshebbear2
    A single survivor braves the dangers of Byesford. Will he survive?
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The MineZ Hacker byLink4246
    The story of how one survives with hacks in MineZ
    Clean Language
    amazing descriptive language. – Pancro

    The Outbreak byStarfish123
    A story about how two young brother become a group of iron bandits, includes people from here, lots of action, and good detail.
    Clean Language
    "Nice story" - Imaguy1337
    "awesome story" - boogaert

    Time is PointlessbyShadow_Mitten
    A story of the adventures of a reckless man as he survives in the dangerous world.
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The Survivor's Journey bynejjigren
    A tale about a man who becomes forced to be a part of a group.
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    The Wade Vengers Indexbywade654
    An Index of all the stories done by wade654

    Tomorrow When the world ends by viewers.
    A very interesting roleplay done by all who wish to join in the story. Feel free to write too!
    Clean Language
    no comments yet. (dont really have the patience to go through all the threads.)

    Unnamed Story Thing PotatobyTigerHaxor
    A group meets at a barn. What are they planning?
    Clean Language
    No comments yet

    World Of Terror by Poopy_girl
    A Story about a Sailor turned Survivor that unwilling joined a healers clan to fight off bandits in a post -apocalyptic world
    Clean Language
    no comments yet

    World Traveling byyugiohdude0
    A very realistically told story about a man who has to leave his hometown in the apocalypse.
    Clean Language
    "Dang, this is pretty good!" - NeontheSniper
    "I like your writing style, you are able to keep things concise yet explanatory. I hope to see more in the future." - Ciphon

    Zombie Ever After byPinkAng3l
    The story of a young girl trying to survive in a hostile world.
    Clean Language
    I am enjoying this story a lot. - Boburt314
    I like the "trust no one" theme. – DarkApostle999

    Most Recent Updates:

    Added - Just Another Day in MineZ

    Added - The Cursed War
    Altered - MineZ- A survival story

    added - Last Orders
    altered - The adventures of a traveling healer
    updated - the life of squirrely

    Added -blood on the sand

    Updated- Blood on the Sand
    Added - A healers journey
    Added - Bystander
    Added- Lone Champion
    Added - In A Moments Time
    Added - Monsters of Mankind
    Updated - So Many Zombies So Little Time

    Added - World of terror
    Added - The Annihilation Adventures Of Kenny
    Added - A Dark Descent, Stories From The Zombie War
    Added - Annihilation The War of Ages
    Added - The Mission
    Added - The Army Of Zeds

    Added - Annihilation a Family Story
    Updated - So Many Zombies…. So Little Time……
    Added - Four chapter quota.
  3. steels12 Regular Member

    Showing real promise. If you can actively update this then it should definitely be pinned
  4. Pyrosfyre Silver

    So many new stories. Im not sure if i can keep up... :stuck_out_tongue:
  5. mrnutty12 Platinum

    well, ughm *cough* completely don't have one now *cough*
  6. Pyrosfyre Silver

    Im working on it
  7. mrnutty12 Platinum

    IK i'm just joking
  8. NikkoTheNeko Gold

    Would the lack of Mercy one qualify for this?
  9. Pyrosfyre Silver

    no it has to be a serious legitimate story

    Edit: I have finished a minor update. Most of the newest stories are now on the list. If it is not and you want it to be then please message me
  10. Holdenm1244 Gold

    So whens this Big update... ?
  11. Pyrosfyre Silver

    update just happened.
  12. Holdenm1244 Gold

    you just blew my mind
  13. Ole_Byzantine Platinum

    So, yeah um, if you could add the 4th part of my story, that'd be great

    HamInsanity likes this.
  14. jugularvein123 Silver

    I would like to say that this is extremely well done.
    Pyrosfyre likes this.
  15. Majicou Retired Staff

    Nice work, pinned.
  16. steels12 Regular Member

    You only ever use that meme dude :3
  17. NeontheSniper Regular Member

    Eugh, just put mine as finished, please. I don't think I'll ever get back to it.
  18. Pyrosfyre Silver

    All thanks to boogart. It is his idea and format. I just continued it.
  19. Holdenm1244 Gold

    Nice job pyro you got pinned
  20. NikkoTheNeko Gold

    1! 2! 3! *ding ding ding* HOLDENM WINS!

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