Here all of my Annhilation stories are conveniently located, so now those who wanted to read them don't have to go search for them (except to find this page) Not all are here as of now, so stay tuned! There may be some minor changes to them. Make sure to stay tuned for some more Death Game, where all of this reaches its ultimate conclusion. ; )
The Assassin It was near the end. Green had wiped out Red, and the survivors of Red teamed with Yellow to defeat Blue. All the Blue soldiers were slain, and four of the Reds were alive. Green had been the most powerful army for many battles. Yellow used to be the best, but they had declined as older players left. This time they wanted to change this. This time the soldiers of Yellow team were going to show the might that used to be. But the Green soldiers all had the best gear, and only a few soldiers of Yellow had diamond. The remaining Reds had diamond, cracked and notched though it was, and even had time to build a tower. All of the people knew what was coming next. Green would attack Yellow. They might not succeed the first time, or the second time, or even the fifth time, but eventually they would succeed. So either Yellow braved the siege, or they made an attack before Greenwas prepared to attack. There would be no chance for a counter attack if they chose to defend, and no chance to attack twice if they failed the first time. So the leaders selected someone only known as the Assassin. He mastered his class and many others, utilizing his knowledge and skill to best his opponents. And while he was one of the best players, they still had doubts. When they told him of their plans and that he would get only chance, he replied that he would only need one chance. For most of the battle he had been scouting, gathering, and causing chaos among the enemy, particularly Green. Now was his time to do his job. He teleported to Jolin Tower, the tower that the Red team built, using a rift. From there he made it to the Green base. The Assassin used his leap to get over the checkerboard, multi layered wall. Quickly he went down to the nexus, swiftly killing whoever was in the way. Green team was in panic, for someone got past their defenses without anyone noticing. He heard the tramping and shouts of defenders coming down the stairway. The Assassin swiftly brought out his Nexus Breaker and started destroying the nexus. He got seven hits on it when two defenders came. They tried to kill him, but like all the rest,he defeated them. After those two he got a few hits on the nexus before engaging the new batch of defenders. He tried to get as many hits on the nexus as he could between fighting, but started have thoughts that he might be overwhelmed, so he focused on dodging and attacking the nexus as much as he could. Then the army of Yellow team attacked, led by Mandaln, and their attack distracted most of the enemy leaving the Assassin free to destroy the nexus. And then Green realized too late that they left the Assassin alive. He had already destroyed the nexus. And at that same moment, the Yellow soldiers broke through the wall and converged on the Green soldiers. As Yellow and the surviving Reds celebrated, the Assassin didn't. He disappeared before anyone could find him. The next time he was seen was at the next battle, attacking a nexus in the name of Yellow.
The Acrobat Joe was an acrobat. His family had been acrobats for generations. He was trained to be one since he could walk. Joe became renowned as the greatest acrobat of his generation. One day after one of his performances his friend Susanne came to him and suggested that he enter the tournament known as Annihilation. Of course Joe had heard of this game, being the most popular thing for a long time. He even attended a game of it, and was impressed by the engineering used to make it. But it was not until that day that he first considered entering. Why would he have before? After thinking about it, he signed up using the acrobat class, since it seemed most fitting for him. Before the game started, he decided to go light. He was selected to join Blue team. For the first two phases he geared up and studied the enemy. He got a few hits on the nexuses of Green and Red. Then phase three came about, and he was needed to get diamonds quickly. He also took down structures in the sky. When phase five started, he had helped kill the wither and destroy Red team's nexus. He was in his base when preparing to attack Green when his nexus came under attack. Many people went to defend against the invader, but were killed almost instantly. When they respawned they yelled one phrase: "The Assassin is here!". Joe had heard of this mysterious figure and knew he was bad news. He rushed to defend the nexus. As soon as he got up to the nexus room it exploded. He saw three fellow Blue team members fall to the Assassin. He shot at him with his bow as he started to leave. But the hooded figure dodged it and, without any sense of movement, appeared in front of Joe and stabbed him in the side with a poison sword. Before the Assassin took his blade out of him he whispered in his ear "You shouldn't have come here. This is different than your acrobatic performances, where you always succeed." There was obvious scorn in his voice. "There are bigger things going on, things that you can't understand, and you are better off not coming to this 'game'." He turned to leave with his sword still in Joe's side, but Joe nicked him on the leg with his own. The Assassin just stared at him, then suddenly vanished. Joe started at the spot he was just in and thought about what he said. He had not missed the emphasis on the word game. What is different from what it is shown to be? These thoughts passed through his head as he blacked out.
The Defender Barthrum has always been a natural defender, standing up for those being picked on and fighting for causes he sees as just. So it was natural that he chose to be a defender in the competitions. He played for eight years straight, and he became well respected. Not only was he skilled at defending (he never lost a nexus), but he was so focused on defending the nexus and his teammates that he was said to be able to take on the famed Assassin one on one, and win. No one who fought him ever won. And Barthrum and the Assassin had even met before and briefly dueled, and though they never got to finish (the Assassin had vanished halfway into the fight), his skill was clearly shown. Other teams just stopped trying to attack his nexus. One day it started like normal, with no teams defeated defeated by the start of phase five. Barthrum himself had diamond and so did some others. He was prepared to sit and wait for the game to end. Then one arrow flew over the wall. And with that one arrow came the whole Green team. All with diamond. They destroyed the wall they labored to build and slaughtered the Red team soldiers. The people in full diamond that were in the base near the opening were swarmed. Barthrum rushed to the battle. He killed two of the enemies and was dueling a third when the nexus came under attack. He warped to the nexus room and dispatched the attacker. Some of his teammates came down. Then all of the Green team came. He stood his ground, his teammates falling next to him. He was surrounded, but he held on to life. He killed those who got close to the nexus. Barthrum tried hard to keep them from damaging the nexus, but it was impossible. The enemy kept coming. He kept holding his ground. Then the Green team soldiers stopped coming. The remaining ones, noticing that their continuous stream of soldiers had stopped, hesitated. Then suddenly they fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Barthrum watched in horror as they writhed on the sandstone floor, foam pouring out of their mouths. Then they were still, and Barthrum noticed a figure watching him from the shadows. "You," he said accusingly. "You did this to them." Even though they didn't actually die, he still felt as if they did. Barthrum had a strong sense of honor and thought poison was a dishonorable way to kill people. And when you play Annihilation for a while it starts to seem as if it is real. "I had to, just as I had to do this," the figure said. From out of nowhere a pickaxe appeared in his hand. He threw it, and Barthrum prepared for the hit. It never came. Instead it hit the nexus, destroying it. "I'm sorry I had to do this, but you will be needed for the next phase," he whispered. "There is no phase after this," said Barthrum, not just a bit confused. "The fifth phase cannot last forever," the figure said reading his mind. "It has to end sometime." He turned to leave when Barthrum grabbed his sleeve. The person did not flinch. "We've met before haven't we?" he asked him. The figure turned his head towards him slightly. And while he could not see it, Barthrum sensed him smiling. Then the hooded figure disappeared in a billow of smoke, and the game continued on.
The Sniper This wasn't her first time doing this. Attacking the enemy team. Lying in the trees, waiting for a clear shot. But this time she was tense. Because this game, unlike for centuries, an admin was playing. The admins watched over each game, making sure no one cheated and everything went the way it was supposed to be. The admins are famed to be some of the most powerful players. This was why she was tense. Susanne did not want to appear weak in front of this admin. This admin was Kronox. Kronox was one of the recruiters, an admin who looked for admin-worthy people. He is (or I suppose was) one of the most powerful of the admins. This is why she didn't want to appear weak. People knew that Susanne was skilled. She was one of the best snipers out there. One of the best with a bow even. But when the admins recruited, they disregarded all previous knowledge of the players and only used what they found out in the game they recruited in. For many years they contacted individual people to be admins. But today they were publicly announcing who will become admins after this match. So Susanne waited for the right moment to fire, the right moment to kill Kronox. By shooting him, she would prove her skill. So Susanne waited in the trees. She waited and waited. Then finally he showed himself. She readied her assassin arrow and was about to fire when suddenly she heard "Stop!" She accidently fired the arrow and it soared over the base. "You just ruined my shot!" she whispered viciously to the person who had spoke. Then Susanne saw him, and realized who he was. It was Barthrum. "What are you doing here?" she asked, more friendly than before, but a bit suspicious. Barthrum was a defender, and it was strange for one to leave their base while their nexus was still alive. "I'm aiding someone," he replied. "When I say, fire a suppression arrow." "That wont kill him," Susanne said. "In fact, that won't do anything." "Just do it!" Barthrum commanded. Rarely had he directly told someone to do something, and something in his voice made Susanne feel slightly... anxious. Susanne sighed and notched a suppression arrow. I guess it couldn't hurt. She got Kronox in her sights. Then Barthrum whispered "Now!" She fired, and it him. Kronox looked around in confusion, then [REDACTED due to leaking of information] Susanne looked around for Barthrum. When she finally found him, he saw him talking to a hooded figure. Barthrum normally did not talk to mysterious people, so this puzzled her. Then the figure vanished, and Barthrum looked around astonished. Then he appeared next to Susanne, and without a word handed her a piece of paper. Then he vanished again. The paper looked like it was ripped off of a flyer. There were five words. "The Annual Tournament of Skill!"