Suggestion A new class proposal for enjoying the tactics of combat - BANDIT

Discussion in 'Annihilation' started by RedNexus75, Jan 15, 2025.

Suggestion - A new class proposal for enjoying the tactics of combat - BANDIT

What do you think about this class suggestion?

This poll will close on Feb 14, 2025 at 12:01 AM.
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There are areas for improvement 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. RedNexus75 Regular Member



    By brandishing your knife, you threaten your enemies and force them to choose life or death.

    The premise that led me to propose this class is that I feel that this game has two problems:

    ① Forming a gang with multiple people is too powerful.
    ② Combat becomes too simple.

    Regarding ①, I have been playing this game since 2014, and I feel that it has always had the same problem. However, in recent years, I feel that extreme rushes and malicious playing have become less common due to the efforts of the management.
    However, even if that is not the case, for example, when three people communicate with each other, strengthen their equipment, and try to attack a player walking alone, the player alone often has no way to do anything. Wouldn't it be interesting if there was a class that could make a comeback in such a situation?

    Regarding ②, I think it is a constraint on the game system by Minecraft. This game is played out on a vast and distinctive map with classes with various skills, but the actual battles tend to be monotonous, such as just using skills to punch each other or shooting with a bow. Of course, one way to enjoy the game is to find various ways to fight within the constraints, but wouldn't it be more fun if there was a class that focused on tactics in battle?

    This class is centered on "enjoying tactics in battle on solo"
    In this game, one-on-many battles occur in various situations, and in many cases it is advantageous to have more than one person.
    However, this class can give you the option to stop attacks against multiple people in such situations, allowing you to gain an advantage in the battle, or to stay calm and escape.

    Passive Skill - Gang Up

    When you are attacked by an enemy, there is a 5% chance that a zombie wearing your team's equipment will be spawned.
    The zombie will actively attack players on the opposing team and disappear after 10 seconds.
    However, this effect does not occur if Bandit are using Gapple or Potion of Regenation, or if you are wearing high-quality equipment(ex.Full-Diamond Armor).

    This ability could be used as a fighting force or dizzying when fighting multiple enemies alone. Instead of zombies, maybe firework effects or something(To get dizzy and call teammates).

    Active Skill - Threat

    By using the scissors named "Butterfly Knife", it gives the following effects to enemies within a 5 block radius.

    ①. Temporarily stops all movement.
    This means that movement, the use of items, etc. are canceled instantly. However, unlike the Immobilizer and Swapper, it does not give effects such as slowing down movement speed, and the enemy can move again or use items if they wish.

    ②. Displays the message "Freeze! Don't move!" on the enemy's screen, forcing them to choose one of the following:
    - Do not move for 5 seconds, or move and take 6 true damage (3 hearts) .

    "Don't move" means not moving from the block you are in or changing direction, but the enemy cannot use any items, including food or class items, during that time.
    When threatening multiple people, if one person moves, only moves peson take 6 true damage, and all others will take 4 true damage (2 heart) and the threat will be canceled.

    However, if the Bandit himself moves during the 5 seconds, Only Bandit will take 8 true damage (4 hearts).

    The Bandit can use only food and potions while in Intimidation.

    Also, if either the enemy or the Bandit himself is attacked by a player not under the effect of Intimidation during the 5 seconds, Intimidation will be canceled and the effect will end without either side taking the 6 damage. This means that, unlike other classes, this Active is strong in situations where there are no teammates!

    This is a long post, but thank you for reading.
    Please give me your opinion if you like!!!

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