Hello everyone, We hope you had a great start to the new year! As many of you know, SMASH was released on January 22, 2013, which means that SMASH is turning 12 this year! To celebrate its 12th anniversary, we will hold a special event starting from January 22 until January 29: Double Elo Event It has been a long time since we had a double ELO event, but we are pleased to announce that you will gain twice the amount of ELO in ranked matches during this event. All Seasonal Maps and Items For the anniversary, we will also enable all season-specific maps and items, so you can battle your opponents through all seasons! Anniversary Lobby Enjoy the fresh look of the modified legacy lobby and explore all kinds of secret rooms created by our builder, Cometcat13! Keep an eye out for secret signs as well. Rumor has it there’s an invisible path behind the lobby that leads to a special place... Double XP You will also earn 2x XP throughout the event! Closing Words On behalf of the entire SMASH Team, we want to thank YOU for staying with us for so long. Even though SMASH has moved past its golden age, we’re always thrilled to see old players return for a few matches and connect with newer players who may have just discovered the game mode. As I always say, SMASH isn’t just a game mode, it’s family. ❤️ We hope you enjoy the anniversary event, and we look forward to seeing you there! Sincerely, The SMASH Team