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Comments on Profile Post by Wonkass

  1. Arasai
    xD I only had 6 pots. broke my wrist so thats why I out geared u. I was still nice and revived u and gave u 16 melons though:P <3
    Dec 10, 2014
  2. Wonkass
    But you said you had seven pots after you killed me and why are you playing this game if your wrist is broken? Btw I died of dehydration, you're so nice.
    Dec 10, 2014
  3. Arasai
    oh sorry :( I didn't want you to die of dehydration, sorry dude. Im playing because Im a youtuber, i like making videos even if it takes me playing with a broken wrist xD.
    Dec 10, 2014
  4. Arasai
    And with the saying i had 7 pots, was just trying to make sure you didn't try to kill me when i revived you or call in any clanmates of yours. , see me up north sometime and gimme a shout, ill give ya a diamond sword since you died, sorry bout that.
    Dec 10, 2014