Comments on Profile Post by jrbarsinister

  1. Biomike
    I would NOT give out your email on a public wall, as anyone could see it and it could be an easy target, as all they have to do is hack the password. Also, giving your email to anyone over the internet is a generally risky move, but if you really want to start a private conversation with Skunk. I'd recommend the mumble if you want to be safe.
    May 3, 2014
  2. Biomike
    EDIT- I'd advise you delete or edit that post.
    May 3, 2014
  3. jrbarsinister
    XD it's ok. The whole reason I made that email was so that I could contact people on minecraft without giving out my actual email. And for signing up on websites :P
    May 3, 2014
  4. Biomike
    If someone were to hack it they could have an easier chance at finding your regular email. It wouldn't hurt to just put that in a PM and delete it. Just sayin'.
    May 3, 2014
  5. _Charman
    i am hax0r and i haxd into dat emayl. u r now gunna be hax0rd. gggggg.
    May 3, 2014
  6. Biomike
    I'm just trying to advise. No need to make fun.
    May 3, 2014
  7. _Charman
    I'm not making fun of you in any way, I totally agree, I just like talking like that. I am sorry if I offended you.
    May 3, 2014
  8. Biomike
    XD Sometimes I do that too. You didn't offend me. I just thought you may have disagreed. It's all good. :)
    May 3, 2014
  9. _Charman
    :D Yay! But yeah, I would say that giving out emails is bad... even if they are your mc emails.
    May 3, 2014
  10. Biomike
    ^Further proves my point that likes need to be implemented into comments. XD
    May 3, 2014
  11. jrbarsinister
    what is the point of having an extra email for giving away to random people you've never actually met, if you don't? Also, how would they find out my real email? It wouldn't hurt me, but it wouldn't help me either. I made that account, and I will use it for the purpose I made it. No offense, but your points don't make any sense. If anything it would hurt me rather than help me
    May 3, 2014
  12. Biomike
    I mean deleting the post that gives your email, not the email itself.

    Also, if you emailed or mentioned your actual email in any way, it could be discovered easier.
    May 3, 2014
  13. Biomike
    You are entitled to use your email for whatever you want, as you are the rightful owner, I'm just advising you that posting your email (even if it's a second email) is generally just a bad idea on the internet.

    If you wish to give it to people you trust, I would put it in a PM and not on a wall. That's all I'm saying. :)
    May 3, 2014
  14. jrbarsinister
    well, thank for the advice, but I don't really care anyway, I'm careful, I'm not going to send anything to my email and other users, whenever I send a message to multiple people I usually bcc anyway, and my mc email is on my profile :P
    May 3, 2014
  15. skunkthecat
    Oh my so many comments on this comment
    May 5, 2014
  16. jrbarsinister
    May 5, 2014
  17. skunkthecat
    So do you have skype if you do make a conversation private
    May 5, 2014
  18. jrbarsinister
    don't :/ my computer is too slow, I tried to download it
    May 5, 2014
  19. jrbarsinister
    oh my...I gave you the wrong email! It's actually: [email protected]
    and TheStarfish123, I am so sorry for getting so fired up at you after you gave me perfectly good advice. Thank you for the advice and again I apologize for my former self :P
    (I know I just thanked you for your advice and then did the exact opposite of listening to it, but that email is already everywhere so I don't see much point anymore)
    Oct 13, 2014
  20. _Charman
    that was so long ago haha
    Oct 13, 2014
  21. jrbarsinister
    It was..........can you read my "about me" on my profile? please? You don't have to if you don't want to, I just...right now..I really want someone to read it, even though it's stupid and it makes me look stupid and I am that stupid but...idk...I need someone to read it.
    Oct 13, 2014