Last activity:
Dec 3, 2020
Apr 6, 2013

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Thanks just wait till the 30s then it starts to get really good. Mar 27, 2014

Pyrosfyre was last seen:
Dec 3, 2020
    1. __Magnolia__
      Hi Pyro, remember me from Team Carbon? altho i left. how's everything going?
      1. Pyrosfyre
        Not much. I haven't been to active recently sadly.
        Jan 29, 2015
    2. valkyrieX888
      Pyros Remember me?
      Yeah got banned for some stupid reasons.
      Do you continue An Uncalculated Mistake? it've been ages
      1. Pyrosfyre
        It's finished.
        Aug 22, 2014
      2. valkyrieX888
        welp. gunna read it now
        Aug 22, 2014
      3. Pyrosfyre
        Let me know what you think
        Aug 22, 2014
    3. Pyrosfyre
      Thanks just wait till the 30s then it starts to get really good.
    4. NinjaTinklePower
      Enjoying your story. Got to chapter 10 its really long
    5. Pyrosfyre
      What?. Ya I'm continuing my story. Already got 5 new chapters out. Another one tonight.
    6. valkyrieX888
    7. valkyrieX888
      Pyros i see you active man :)
      Now u miss your creation don't 'ya?
    8. Pyrosfyre
      sorry i have been away for a while. I am working on my eagle and I have been working on other things. This hasnt been a high priority for a
      1. Pyrosfyre
        while I will let you know when I am getting back into writing. ... this comment derped.
        Nov 5, 2013
    9. valkyrieX888
      Pyros where are you? Can't find you anywhere in the Roleplay section.. :(
    10. Cathykinz
      Imo, he already writes better than most of the authors that I like xD If you choose to write books, Pyros, they're sure to be bestsellers :)
    11. Zerediah
      I know, someday you will be a great author of fiction books. Keep up the good work!
      1. Pyrosfyre likes this.
      2. Pyrosfyre
        Aug 11, 2013
    12. Shadow_Mitten
      I've heard of awesome. Thank you for letting me see it in your story.
      1. Pyrosfyre
        haha thanks!
        Jul 20, 2013
    13. valkyrieX888
      Dude, Pyros. What's your planning on the story? Such of those Triforms, if Pyros' allies and his party got the Triform Shard at the Necromancer Tower, will Dark know where the rest is? Because it will be like *Dun dun dun!!* If Dark hunted Pyros and the rest of the alliance, There will be blood everywhere !!
      1. Pyrosfyre
        you will see.
        Jul 14, 2013
      2. valkyrieX888
        Right... -_-
        Jul 15, 2013
    14. Myrddin
      I saw you in the chatbar on MineZ today o3o
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pyrosfyre
        I died petty quickly lol
        Jul 1, 2013
      3. Myrddin
        Twice. You died twice.
        Jul 1, 2013
      4. Pyrosfyre
        lol thats what happens when you force spawn haha
        Jul 1, 2013
    15. boogaert
      Your story index is a blatant copy of mine. It is obvious you copy pasted it. Give me some credit at least.
      1. Pyrosfyre
        I did. look at the first paragraph. I tottaly said you came up with the idea first. I have a disclaimer that it was not my idea. I gave you all the credit.
        Jun 29, 2013
      2. Pyrosfyre
        well look at that. I must have deleted the paragraph during one of the updates. I did give you credit. I will fix that now. Sorry about that.... *feels so stupid*
        Jun 29, 2013
      3. boogaert
        It's fine, I was too lazy to continue it but I'm very happy you did.
        Jun 29, 2013
    16. Mercuries
      hai pyros i love your story im just sad that there was some hate on my apps
      1. Pyrosfyre
        It happens. Well it happened to me... I just learned to balance my characters well and not let them be op. Sorry about the confusion with Necro.
        Jun 27, 2013
      2. Pyrosfyre
        I will probably do a little of my own nerfing to match them with the story. You dont need to nerf them though.
        Jun 27, 2013
    17. Pyrosfyre
      Just so everyone can know, if you like my story then you will like DarkApostle999's
      1. valkyrieX888 likes this.
      2. Pyrosfyre
        it is called Descent into Madness. you can find it on my index along with all the other stories that exist on minez roleplay form.
        Jun 14, 2013
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    Proud to say that I own a role play story. An Uncalculated Mistake
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