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Last activity:
Jul 13, 2020
Nov 23, 2013

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Back to playing Shotbow, on and off, after a REALLY long time! Apr 17, 2018

ns456 was last seen:
Jul 13, 2020
    1. ns456
      Back to playing Shotbow, on and off, after a REALLY long time!
    2. ns456
      Hi :)
      1. Sanguinarius
        Feb 22, 2015
    3. SnowblindGhost
      You know that moment someone follows you and you don't know who in the world they are . . .
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  • About

    I joined Way back when Shotbow was Vaecon network, But never made an account on this site till later on. Been loving to play Annihilation and have made some friends as I go :). Although Anni can be difficult at times, the fun is the challenge of it. I have done just about everything and continue to do every tactic in Annihilation every now and then, EXCEPT STR FARMING.

    I am in no clan and don't really need one, As i independently play the game and enjoy it is as it is :) with my 300+ games I have done.

    I play on Both US and EU, and have played at least 100-150 games on both

    I have never STR farmed and have not felt the need to, And I don't plan on xp farming anytime soon. When I use STR (Rarely, Unless I'm in the mood) It's for taking over mid/ killing defenders etc. Not xp farming :D. Hope to see you in game and don't forget to vote Amazon. gl hf :wink:

    RIP Valleys, Collis, Anniz, and Cronos. You will be missed :heart:
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