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Apr 27, 2013

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www.youtube.com/user/flakit5fire Over 100 HD Shotbow VIdeos! Feb 19, 2014

Arasai was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. mcepic47
      You're great, Flakit.
      1. Flakit5Fire likes this.
      2. Arasai
        <3 I try
        Aug 30, 2015
    2. Jumeaux
      FLEGGIT <3
      1. ButterTheGiraffe likes this.
      2. Arasai
        Aug 25, 2015
    3. 323465963
      Nice signature. As you can see, I like signatures with hyperlinks in them :3
      1. Flakit5Fire likes this.
      2. Arasai
        Jul 3, 2015
    4. TacoRatLeo
      Still can't kill me. :D
      1. Arasai
        yeah ik i suck so badly xD. When i 1v1 i tend to get nervous and my hand shakes a bit hahaha. If you had chased me you probably could have killed me xD
        Jan 19, 2015
    5. Jewmuhn
      1. Arasai
        Not really, if you guys had problems with me thats your fault, you lost a good member and will have to deal with the future ramifications of it.
        Dec 16, 2014
    6. Wonkass
      Nice fight at Tadza we had, but next time, try not to outgear people if you're practicing.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Wonkass
        But you said you had seven pots after you killed me and why are you playing this game if your wrist is broken? Btw I died of dehydration, you're so nice.
        Dec 10, 2014
      3. Arasai
        oh sorry :( I didn't want you to die of dehydration, sorry dude. Im playing because Im a youtuber, i like making videos even if it takes me playing with a broken wrist xD.
        Dec 10, 2014
      4. Arasai
        And with the saying i had 7 pots, was just trying to make sure you didn't try to kill me when i revived you or call in any clanmates of yours. , see me up north sometime and gimme a shout, ill give ya a diamond sword since you died, sorry bout that.
        Dec 10, 2014
    7. Sanguinarius
      Well I official subscribe :P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sanguinarius
        Dec 13, 2014
      3. Arasai
        Dec 13, 2014
      4. Sanguinarius
        Thanks <3
        Dec 13, 2014
    8. Jewmuhn
      Lemme touch your butt
    9. Mistri
      This is the first profile post in 7 months on your profile. ;)
      1. Arasai
        dangit!!! xD
        Nov 3, 2014
      2. Mistri
        Nov 3, 2014
    10. philripd
      I did not notice that platinum. Congrats Flakit.
      1. Arasai
        Thanks dude!!! Took me a while to convince the parentals but i pulled it off xD
        May 8, 2014
      2. philripd
        Wish I can do the same with my riches D:
        May 9, 2014
    11. Braiti
      Flakit5fire I hear you are the leader of a clan. I'm Braiti Leader of the Braiti Bunch. We are having an Annihilation tournament this upcoming Sunday I was wondering if you were interested in joining us with your clan. If you are interested please send me a list of your members, and I'll add you to our conversation for the tournament. Hope to see you around!
      1. Braiti
        And yeah almost forgot Jrbarsinister was the one who wanted me to invite you!
        Mar 5, 2014
    12. NikkoTheNeko
      So please enlighten me as to how I supposedly created bots to give your piece friend subscribers. You sure as hell aren't responding on my youtube comments anymore after I decided to take a break from writing my English final to bother with you.
      1. Bracko64 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. NikkoTheNeko
        Nice to know you believed his ass when he cleared lied for his giveaway.
        Feb 19, 2014
      4. Arasai
        sorry man. I just knew him better than I knew you and I stick up for all my friends. I have no problem with you, just the situation you were in.
        Feb 19, 2014
      5. Arasai
        And sorry about interrupting your FInal, I know how hard it is. Taking 4 AP classes this year. Physics AP, AP Euro, AP Calc BC, and AP English
        Feb 19, 2014
    13. Arasai
      oh shit xD
    14. oZi_HydraWW
      Oh and btw, the rule is that I take your profile virginity.
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    OG MineZ, HCF, and Annihilation player.
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